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New and Improved Features 





 DAP-1053 - User would like to have an option to add multiple action items to a record

Configurable Setting: NA.  

Default : NA. 

Existing SystemCurrently, we can have add only one action item linked to single forma record.

Purpose : Provide a interface for users to add multiple action items to the same record.

Enhanced System:  Enhanced state will redirect all users of the application to the new view. 

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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.  

Default : Enable. 

Existing SystemCurrently, there is no import available for adding employees. It has to be done from application or through feed. 

Purpose : Give equip system admin with ability to add employees in bulk. 

Enhanced System: 

  • This import utility will help system admin to import all location employees. 

  • User would be able to import new employees and update existing employees. Employee ID will be treated as key to differentiate. 
  • The template available will have dynamic data, user will be able to select the values from drop down which improves the usability. 
  • There is a prompt/comments available in the template which lets user know the type of the fields and the acceptable limits. 
  • A field specification sheet is also provided in the template for quick reference.

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In the enhanced state 

  • User would be able to add multiple action items to a single record.
  • The count of action items added to a particular record would be displayed on the list screen. 
  • In the detail screen, user would be able to see the summary of the action item details. 

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1327 - Maintain status attribute for each DAP form (active, inactive, deleted, draft)

Configurable Setting: No Configuration NA.  

Default : Available in the Widget LibraryNA

Existing SystemCurrently, employee information in available but there is no widget to give a summary pulling information from various modules.  Purpose : There is need to show this summary which helps user easily navigate to his pending tasksform status available. All forms would be in active state. 

Purpose : Provide user ability to inactivate a form

Enhanced System: A form can have 4 different status. 

  • By default, this widget displays logged-in employee detailsIf there is no employee associated to the user, then this widget will display "No Records" similar to other widgets.
  • The data points will be fetched as per the filters selected. Current Year will be the default filter. 

  • The employee search will allow users to select and view the information about any other employee.
  • Only Location Admin/Security Admin will be able to see the full of employees. Other users would be viewing only the employee details of sub-ordinates. 

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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.  

Default : Show. 

Existing SystemCurrently, quick links are displayed individually irrespective of module.

Purpose : Grouping of quick links by module improves the usability. 

Enhanced System: 

  • Each quick link would be displayed in respective module group. 
  • Deprecated the sort filter to sort quick links by name. However, user can make use of sorting by module. 


  1. Active: This is the default form status when there are enough app licences. 
  2. Draft: This is the status maintained even before the app is published to others.This is the default form status when licences are expired. Only Created User of the app can view the app in the home screen.
  3. Inactive: Form is changed to Inactive when it is no longer to be used.  It is visible only to the user who has "Modify" permission. 
  4. Delete: If a form is deleted, it is no longer visible to any user. 

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1447 - Add Icon to the Form/APP and show in Home Page

Configurable Setting: No Configuration NA.  

Default : Available in Widget LibraryNA

Existing SystemCurrently, we have "My Reports" quick link which takes user to all module report templates page. There is no quick link to navigate to module specific reports. Purpose : Increase the usability by helping user to navigate to module specific report templatesthere is no icon to a form.  

Purpose : Improve usability by able to unique identify a form by icon

Enhanced System:  

  • The widget would show/hide based on the reports permission. 
  • Individual quick links in the widget would be also driven by module level permissions to the user. 
  • On clicking the module quick link, user would land to respective module report templates. 

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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.  

Default : Show. 

Existing SystemCurrently, the list shows only one language translations (Language which is set as language preference or saved in filters)

Purpose : To improve the usability and equip admin to view/edit all language tags at once

Enhanced System: 

  • A new system view "All Languages View" has been introduced to help user find all the tags in one list screen.
  • This system view in addition to the "Default View" available in the list screen which displays multilingual tags in logged in language. 
  • The list screen has an additional column as "Language". User would be able to use inline filter and find any other language tags.

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  • User would be able to upload an icon to a form from the builder screen.
  • By default, there would be a default icon assigned to every form. 
  • Once the user uploads a image, he would be able to crop it and see the preview. 
  • Once the icon is saved, it gets displayed in the app builder home page and the "Apps" widget on the system landing page.

Default Image:

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Uploading Icon:

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Cropping Icon:

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After Saving:

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1442 - User would like to filter the records by location in the list screen when he selects a level.

Configurable Setting: No ConfigurationNA.  

Default : EnableNA

Existing SystemCurrently, decimal values are not allowed in the wage field. Purpose : User would be able to input accurate wage detailsthere is no option to show the location of a record where it is created.

Purpose : A admin can uniquely identify which record belongs to which location

Enhanced System: 

  • In enhanced state, Users the form properties of builder, user would be able to enter upto 2 decimal values in the employee details screen. 

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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.  

Default : Enable. 

Existing SystemCurrently,

  • User is not able to view the broadcasts widget which he doesn't have scope to in the landing page. (This is correct behavior)
  • When user navigates to the "Manage Events/News screen, he is able to view all the broadcasts irrespective of the location scope and assignment scope. (Incorrect behavior)

Purpose : To restrict users from unauthorized access to News/Events. 

In the Enhanced System: 

  • This enhancement will target to display only those records for which user is authorized the "Location Name" to be displayed in the list screen.
  • The toggle would always be defaulted to "No". 
  • Once the toggle is turned on, the list would show the "Location Name" column as the first column. 

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