18.2 App Builder Release Notes
New and Improved Features
- DAP-1053 - User would like to have an option to add multiple Action Items to a single form
DAP-1327 - Maintain status attribute for each DAP form (active, inactive, deleted, draft)
- PMP- 49027 - Develop an Apps widget to display link to all customer specific active apps forms
DAP-1053 - User would like to have an option to add multiple action items to a record
Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Common Change.
Existing System: Currently, we can add only one action item to a record and its add as a section with all the action item fields.
Purpose : Provide a interface for users to add multiple action items to the same record.
Enhanced System: In the enhanced state
- User would be able to add multiple action items to a single record.
- Action item will be a single field as compared to the existing implementation of adding as a section.
- The count of action items added to a particular record would be displayed on the list screen.
- In the detail screen, user would be able to see the summary of the action item details.
- The existing single action item control would be replaced with multiple action item control.
DAP-1327 - Maintain status attribute for each DAP form (active, inactive, deleted, draft)
Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Common Change.
Existing System: Currently, there is no form status available. All forms would be in active state.
Purpose : Provide user ability to inactivate a form.
Enhanced System: A form can have 4 different status.
- Active: This is the default form status when there are enough app licences.
- Draft: This is the status maintained even before the app is published to others.This is the default form status when licences are expired. Only Created User of the app can view the app in the home screen.
- Inactive: Form is changed to Inactive when it is no longer to be used. It is visible only to the user who has "Modify" permission.
- Delete: If a form is deleted, it is no longer visible to any user.
DAP-1447 - Add Icon to the Form/APP and show in Home Page
Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Common Change.
Existing System: Currently, there is no icon to a form.
Purpose : Improve usability by able to unique identify a form by icon.
Enhanced System: In the enhanced system,
- User would be able to upload an icon to a form from the builder screen.
- By default, there would be a default icon assigned to every form.
- Once the user uploads a image, he would be able to crop it and see the preview.
- Once the icon is saved, it gets displayed in the app builder home page and the "Apps" widget on the system landing page.
Default Image:
Uploading Icon:
Cropping Icon:
After Saving:
DAP-1442 - User would like to filter the records by location in the list screen when he selects a level.
Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Common Change.
Existing System: Currently, there is no option to show the location of a record where it is created.
Purpose : A admin can uniquely identify which record belongs to which location.
Enhanced System:
- In the form properties of builder, user would be able to select the "Location Name" to be displayed in the list screen.
- The toggle would always be defaulted to "No".
- Once the toggle is turned on, the list would show the "Location Name" column as the first column.
PMP- 49027 - Introduce"Apps" widget which helps user navigate quickly to active app builder forms
Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Available in Widget Library.
Existing System: Currently, user has to navigate to app builder home page to view a particular list/details screen.
Purpose : Improve usability.
Enhanced System: In this enhancement,
- User would be able to see the "Apps" widget on the system landing page.
- User would be able to navigate to List screen by clicking the card.
- User would be able to navigate to details screen by clicking the "Complete Form" button.
- The list of apps is populated based on user permissions.
- Any links if present in the "Quick Links" widget will be deprecated.
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