New and Improved Features
New and Improved Features
- PMP-49837 As a end user would like to Import hours and count by department using hours import Template
- PMP-6447 Add unsupervised contractor hours and count in the Metrics screen
- PMP-51472 Changes to Email incident summary feature as per 24 hours report requirement
Product Level change
- PMP- 51306 As an end user I would like to see Rates by Fiscal Year in IMS Rates Widget
- PMP-50051 User Widget- display the count of Management Review incidents which are open for that user
- PMP- 50131 Add a row "Medical" for Cost and less recoveries section in Vehicle TPA cost and Notes screen (UI changes)
- PMP-48380 Convert Vehicle Information Look up page to Dynamic form to utilise import utility
- PMP-50935 Delete Permissions should not be dependent on Add/Edit permissions
- PMP-3448 Remove dependency of Edit Attachments on Edit Incident Permission
- PMP-50410 Split Regulatory forms permission Edit/View Permission
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Product Level change
- PMP- 51306 As an end user I would like to see Rates by Fiscal Year in IMS Rates Widget
- PMP-50051 User Widget- display the count of Management Review incidents which are open for that user
- PMP- 50131 Add a row "Medical" for Cost and less recoveries section in Vehicle TPA cost and Notes screen (UI changes)
- PMP-48380 Convert Vehicle Information Look up page to Dynamic form to utilise import utility
- PMP-50935 Delete Permissions should not be dependent on Add/Edit permissions
- PMP-3448 Remove dependency of Edit Attachments on Edit Incident Permission
- PMP-50410 Split Regulatory forms permission Edit/View Permission
Configurable : Customer Specific
Title : Using Existing Custom setting
Public / Private :NA
Default : Hide In Product
Existing System:
- Existing system has import template which can import Hours/ counts by location
- There is no flexibility to Import Hours/Counts of Employees/ Supervised contract employees / Unsupervised contract employees in the current system by department
- Extend the Hours import template to import hours of employees/ Supervised contract employees / Unsupervised contract employees by Department
Enhanced System:
Configurable: Yes
Title: Display Hours Count Location Wise (Existing Custom setting)
Public / Private: Public
Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- Has an import tool which can import Hours/ counts only by location
- Does support importing hours and counts by department
- Enhance the Hours import tool to import hours and counts by department
Enhanced System:
- Allows users to import hours and counts by department across multiple locations
- Displays the department hierarchy in import template that would help users uniquely identify and select right department
- Refreshes department hierarchy column list on selection of a location, however existing selection remains
- This is a known limitation with MS Excel
Impacts: None
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Configurable Configurable: Customer SpecificYes
Display AOP Metrics (Existing Custom setting)
Public / Private: Public
Existing System:
- Existing system captures Hours and
- Counts of Unsupervised Employee but these hours and count
- are not displayed in injury/illness metrics screens
- Display count and Hours worked for unsupervised contractors in Incident metrics and Incident country metrics screen for analysis
Enhanced System:
- Displays Unsupervised Employee hours and counts in "Injury/Illness Incident Metrics" and
- Add a new row as Unsupervised employee count under Supervised Contractors count
- Do not add Unsupervised Employee count to Total Personnel count
- Show/ Hide Unsupervised Employee count based on Custom setting
Add Unsupervised Contractors hours under Hours worked Injury/Illness Metrics and Country Metrics
- Add a new row as Unsupervised Employee hours under Supervised Contractors hours
- Do not add Unsupervised Employee hours to Total Hours worked
- Show/ Hide Unsupervised Employee hours based on Custom setting
Add "?" icon
- Add "?" next to Unsupervised Employee counts and Unsupervised Employee Hours
- Display following message
- "Total Personnel count does not include Unsupervised Employee count"
- "Total Hours worked does not include Unsupervised Employee Hours"
- "Injury/Illness Incident-Country Metrics" screens based on Custom setting
- Does not include Unsupervised Employee hours and count in Total Personnel hours and count
- Displays a help icon with following help text for respective row
- "Total Personnel count does not include Unsupervised Employee count"
- "Total Hours worked does not include Unsupervised Employee Hours"
Impacts: None
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Configurable : NA Yes
24 hour incident Report
Public / Private:
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Purpose: As of now rate widgets do not have option to see rates by Fiscal year. By doing this enhancement users would be able to see rates by Calendar YTD or Fiscal YTD and would be able to save the preference.
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
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Configurable : NA
Title: NA
Public / Private:NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System: