Versions Compared


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  • Report more than one type of Incident in the same form such as: Injury/Illness, Environmental, Property Damage or Vehicle.
  • Track Dynamic Dashboard to help track and manage company-wide and site specific key metrics
  • Users can classify cases automatically
  • Submit various incident claims
  • Generate regulatory reports
  • Manage reported incidents with a screen listing all of the incidents created for the location or level selected
  • Users can identify the classification of case for injury/illnesses ( i.e. - First Aid, Other Recordable, Restricted Duty, Lost Time or Fatality.)
  • Submit and manage incident claims
  • Generate the following OSHA reports: 300, 300A, & 301 logs)301 Sharps Injury log.
  • Compile workers’ compensation reports, and calculate key metrics.Set
  • predefined rules related to the process of creating, verifying and closing of action items arising from incidentsAllows management to review and sign-off on the investigation and action item plans for an incident.
  • Analyze data through Incident reports that can be generated in PDF, Word and Excel formats


  1. Click on the Module icon.
  2. Click on the Incident Management menu item.

Incident TypesDefinitions
Near MissInjury/illness, environmental, property damage or vehicle incident came close to happening, but did not.
Injury/IllnessIncident where someone is injured or became ill.

An incident where a vehicle incident has occurred (i.e. accident on the highway or in the parking lot using a company car, truck, or van).


Incident where an environmental issue has occurred (i.e. Discharges, Environmental Inspections, Reportable or Non-reportable spills / leaks, etc)

Property Damage 

Incident where destruction or damage to property can be reported (i.e. wall collapsed, leaking roof or broken window).

General LiabilityA company safeguard against 3rd party claims arising from damage or injury during their company visit or employee job duties

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