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This document will demonstrate how to create an property damage incident record. Any damage or destruction caused to public or private property either by a person who is not its owner or by natural phenomena. (i.e. wall collapsed, leaking roof or broken window).


(info) In order to create an incident record user must navigate to a site/locationto see the Report New Incident menu option.

Navigate to: Desired Location  > Modules > Incident Management > Report New Incident  Refer to: Reporting New Incident Overview 


Section Name



General Details

(lightbulb) If Yes is selected the following questions are added:

Immediate Countermeasure / Corrective Action* - This section is used to document details of any completed corrective action taken during the time of reporting incident.

Employee / Individual Details

(lightbulb) If Yes is selected the following questions are added:

Personnel Type* has the following options available:

  • Employee

  • Supervised Contract Employee

  • Unsupervised Contract Employee

  • Visitor

Employee / Individual Involved* allows the user to search for any employee.

  • The search box will bring up only employees based on location selected.
  • The picklist button will search for employees at other locations.
Environmental Incident Details

(lightbulb) If Yes is selected the following section is added:

  • Substance Details

Allows the user to add any substances that were involved within the incident.

information (i) All mandatory fields within the Incident Detail Report must be saved and completed first before you can add any
additional injured people
substances to an incident. (ex: * and **)

(tick) Next Step:
  • After saving and completing the Incident Detail Report the Incident Summary screen will be displayed. 
  • Users can then access the other components from the incident detail summary screen. 
