New and Improved Features
- PMP-57608 As an end user I want to see Employee Department in PD reporting screen
- PMP-55971 As an end user should not see Incidents in List screen without view permission
New Features
No New Features
Web Impact Items (For more details on these items refer Web Release Notes)
PMP-55984 Record Individual Observed for Peer to Peer Observation
PMP-58885 Ability to Apply NA for Single Selection apart from Bulk Selection
PMP-56305 Shift field made mandatory /non mandatory / hide configurationally
PMP-56291 Show / hide Observed Type in Observation Details configurationaly
PMP-57604 Individual Observed custom setting gaps
App Builder
New Features
Web Impact Items (For more details on these items refer Web Release Notes)
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Action Item List with filter, using stand alone code for calendar.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Doesn't have option to view action item summary
Action item summary to view read only information based on workflow and quick action button to perform action item events based on persona and functionality.
Enhanced System:
- User should be able to navigate to the action item summary from list to view and edit existing records.
- On click of the section will navigate to action item detail with respective section as expanded and other section as collapsed
- Action item summary with read only content for section like Create, Approve, Complete and Verify. Display limited field based on the priority of the section.
- Quick action button to perform action immediately by persona and functionality.
- Action buttons will display as per permission and work flow of the action item.
- Action button sequence
- Approval Section - Button : Approve | Reject
- Complete Section - Button :Extend Due Date
- Complete Section - Button : Approve Due Date | Reject Due Date
- Complete Section - Required Verification - Button : Complete
- Complete Section - Doesn't Required Verification - Button : Close
- Verification Section- Button : Reject | Closed
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Action item detail with basic features and not dynamic as web action item detail. Doesn't support all module action item functionalities.
- Using common action item framework.
- Section and fields are managed from common action item framework configuration.
- Support all functionality of action item like approval, extend due date, complete action item, verification , cost and multiple attachment .
- All the functionality of web action item are in sync with mobile.
- Support managing all mobile module action item functionality.
- Permission are based on module action item.
- Source section based on module action item.
- Navigates from action item summary screen.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: Yes
- Title: IsObservationActionItemApplicable
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
BBS action items were created in web .In BBS mobile ,there was no option to create action item
Purpose: Gap
Enhanced System:
- Similar to web action items creation will be available in BBS mobile
- Action item for any behaviour in an observation would appear after the observation details are saved
- Action item can be created for behaviour in both Peer to Peer and Group Observation
Section in Create Action Item
Action Items List
-Action Item Title
-Assigned By
-Due Days