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New and Improved Features
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Product Level Change
PMP-81900/PMP-81221 : Reminder Email to have Course Launch and Course attachment redirection hyperlink
PMP-80778 : Changes in Session creation Notification
PMP-81410 : Auto populate instructor email id in reminder notification
PMP-66986 : New Category Training by Role and Configurable Assign to Category
PMP-81224 : Restrict Launch /Resume of future VTA Training Session
PMP-81901: Add address in the footer of the certificate
PMP-80779 : Manage Session List View Changes
Product Level Change
PMP-81900/PMP-81221 : Reminder Email to have Course Launch and Course attachment redirection hyperlink
Configurable: NA
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Reminder notification currently doesn't have an option for Course Launch or Redirection link for VTA and Non VTA course.
Session Created Notification , doesn't have redirection link for Non VTA Courses.
Use Case / Purpose: User will be able to launch course directly from notification and for Non VTA session user will be able to access Course Catalog.
Enhanced System:
Reminder Notification
VTA Course will have Course Launch link similar to Session Creation Notification.
Non VTA courses will have link to redirect to Course Catalog attachments.
Session Creation notification
Non VTA courses will have link to redirect to Course Catalog attachments.
Impacts: Notification
Reminder Notification for VTA
Reminder Notification for Non VTA
Session Creation notification for Non VTA
PMP-80778 : Changes in Session creation Notification
Configurable: NA
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Training Due date is not included in Session Created Notification.
Recurring Session Start date and end date are not appearing by occurrence.
Use Case / Purpose: Missing important information for trainees.
Enhanced System:
Display Training Due date in Session Created Notification.
Show the training Start date , End date and Due date.
If grace period is 0 days then Training End date is the Due date.
For recurring session more rows will be there upto next 3 months.
If more recurring session is there full details will be available in PDF attachment along with 1st 3 months data in mail body.
Impacts: Notification
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PMP-81410 : Auto populate instructor email id in reminder notification
Configurable: NA
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Instructor mail id is not auto populating in reminder.
Use Case / Purpose: User do not have to search for the instructor in reminder anymore.
Enhanced System:
Auto populate email of instructor in reminder notification in "Notify Others" field.
If new instructor added / replaced in existing session then the same should be auto populate in the reminder screen.
The "Notify Others" field will be editable and the auto populate instructor email ids can be removed.
If employee and instructor both are same then single email will be sent to user.
Impacts: NA
PMP-66986 New Category Training by Role and Configurable Assign to Category
Configurable: Yes
Title: AssigntoCategoryValues
Public/Private: Public
Default: Employee, Job function, Role ,Group , All Current Location employee ,By Supervisor ,By Department
Existing System:
In the LMS module the field Assign to Category provide option for Employee ,Job function, Role ,Group , All Current Location employee ,By Supervisor ,By Department and also the values are not configurable.
Use Case / Purpose: User will be able to have Assigned To Category option as per requirement and missing “Role”” category is now available to use.
Enhanced System:
New value "Role" for Assigned To field.
New field Role with picklist would appear on Selecting Assigned To Category as "Role".
Clicking the Picklist will open The List of LMS Roles.
Selecting the LMS Role would further populate the Employees who are linked with user of the selected role + scoped to the location.
On selecting Role picklist, it will show both Role and Employee picklist .User can add employees further to this session on role selection.
System will allow to save with selection of Role with no employee in the location + employee selected in employee picklist.
Assign to Category field values can be configurable.
Enter the required values in custom setting and only those lookup categories will be available for Assign to Category field.
Impacts: NA
PMP-81224 : Restrict Launch /Resume of future VTA Training Session
Configurable: Yes
Title: RestrictFutureLaunchOfCourses
Public/Private: Private
Default: No
Existing System:
User can Launch /Resume future date VTA Session from My Training and Widgets
Use Case / Purpose: Users are closing future months training in a day.
Enhanced System:
Restrict Launch / Resume of Future dated VTA Sessions from My Training , Widgets ,Training Calendar.
System will allow only to Launch / Resume the courses for the current and earlier days.
Notification :- No Course launch link will be available in notification.
Impacts: My Training, Widget, Notification, Calendar, Mobile
PMP-81901: Add address in the footer of the certificate
Configurable: Yes
Title: LmsWantToShowAddress / LmsCertificateAddressValue
Public/Private: Public
Default: No / Blank
Existing System:
We do not have any configuration to add address of company HQ in certificate footer.
Use Case / Purpose: User will be able to show HQ Address / Any Message for the Trainee.
Enhanced System:
We will have footer note which will be configurable so that customer can put Company HQ address and same will be reflect in certificate footer.
Impacts: Certificate
PMP-80779 : Manage Session List View Changes
Configurable: From DB
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
We have only one Default view for Manage session list screen.
Use Case / Purpose: User do not have to go through multiple steps for few different views.
Enhanced System:
We will have multiple views in Manage Session List view
The current default view renamed to "Active Sessions - All". This view will not be default anymore.
New default view “Active Sessions - Current & Previous 2 Years”.
Impacts: NA