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New and Improved Features 

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95699 - OSHA 300A API - Authentication Changes

Configurable: Yes No

  • Title: NA

  • Public/Private: NA

  • Default: NA

Existing System:  We used to submit data to the OSHA site by giving the Username and Password. 



Purpose: To upgrade the system as per the upgraded OSHA login procedure.

Enhanced System:

  1. Necessary technical changes are done to support new API token based login authentication. 

  2. Deprecated the older approach of Username/Password-based authentication. 


Impacts: None.

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PMP-95698 - RIDDOR classification changes to be compliant with UK Regulatory Laws

Configurable: No

  • Title: NA

  • Public/Private: Public NA

  • Default: No NA

Existing System: Currently,

  • Currently,


  • we support only 'Dangerous occurrence' for Near Miss. We don’t have “Dangerous Gas Fitting“ as a near-miss RIDDOR classification.

  • We don’t support capturing HSE reference ID and the ability to upload a RIDDOR report.

  • Completing RIDDOR classification for multiple employees has to be done from a RIDDOR screen which was not user-friendly.

Purpose: To comply be compliant with the UK regulatory requirementslaws.

Enhanced System:


  • A new permission 'E-Submission of OSHA 300/301 Case Data' is added under Work Place Incident Report - Injury/Illness > Regulatory Forms.

  • By default, it would be 'No'.

New Menu:

  • The new menu 'OSHA 300/301 Case Data' is shown below 'OSHA 301' menu.

  • This menu will be driven based on the permission and data will be shown for both 'Location' and 'Level' (**only US Locations and Level).

  • This screen will show the records for the following Cases i.e. similar to the implementation for 'OSHA 300' and 'OSHA 301' List screens:

    • Other Recordable

    • Restricted Duty

    • Lost Time

    • Death

Two System Views:

  • All Cases - Previous Year (Default View)

  • All Cases - Current Year

300 & 301 Review Status Display & Validation:

  • 300 & 301 Screen review status will be displayed on the list.

  • Only if all required fields are completed and saved, then 300 & 301 review is treated as complete.

  • CSV can be generated only once both screen's status turns 'Complete'.

Generate CSV :

  • There will be a 'Generate CSV' button at the top right corner of the screen.

  • There won't be any separate permission to enable/disable this button.

New Permission:


New Menu:


  • We have re-positioned the RIDDOR section from the reporting screen to the incident summary (as this classification always happens after reporting an incident).

  • The summary screen would show RIDDOR forms created for each employee involved in the Incident.

  • So, with this user can find all the information at one place and doesn’t have to navigate to the RIDDOR List.

  • The RIDDOR form can be accessed from the summary along with the HSE validation section.

  • Changes to HSE validation section to incorporate HSE Reference ID and ability to upload a RIDDOR report.

  • Included “Dangerous Gas Fitting“ as one more RIDDOR classification for Near Miss incident.

  • Deprecated the RIDDOR section from mobile as classification will be done after reporting an incident.


Impacts: Reports, Mobile.

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PMP-95697 - Field Level Security - Self Permission Implementation

Configurable: No

  • Title: NA

  • Public/Private: NA

  • Default: NA

Existing System: Currently,

  • Incident creators always have permission to view sensitive field information. 

  • The same sensitive information is also available in the employee picklist. 


  • To apply field-level security even for the record creator. 

Enhanced System:

  • Introduce 'Self' permission in Security > Field Level Security Section.

    1. Employee Sex 

    2. Hire Date  

    3. Supervisor Name 

    4. Supervisors Email  

    5. State of License 

    6. Date of Expiration 

  • All users with others' permission for these fields would be assigned self-permission by default

  • Also, the above sensitive fields were removed from the employee picklist as well. (Common Change)


Impacts: None.

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PMP-97263 - Ability to generate a QR Code for Incident Reporting

Configurable: Yes

  • Title: ShowIncidentQRCode

  • Public/Private: Public

  • Default: 

    • Yes, if mobile is available and No for others.

Existing System: Currently, we have the QR code only to report near misses but it is not available for download from the application.


  • To improve the ease of use of reporting an incident from mobile.

Enhanced System:

  • User will have the option to generate a QR Code for reporting a new incident from the incident list screen.

  • By scanning this QR Code, the user will be able to directly land to report a new incident screen.

  • Scanning can be done using the mobile camera or the scan option in the Ideagen EHS app.

Generate QR Code from List

On scanning, Landing Screen

image-20240221-095135.pngImage Addedimage-20240221-181925.pngImage Added

Impacts: None.

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97264 -


Ability to view "Incident Description" from the “Manage Incidents List screen”




  • Title: IMSEmpDOBPrivacyInfoShowYN NA

  • Public/Private: Public NA

  • Default: Yes NA

Existing System: Currently, DOB the description field in OSHA 301 screen is auto-populated from the foundation employee profile and it is non-editable in OSHA 301 screen. is available only in the details screen. 

Purpose: To provide flexibility be able to the OSHA 301 userview the incident description with fewer clicks.

Enhanced System:

  • User will be able edit DOB field in OSHA 301 based on permission and configuration.

  • The existing custom setting (Which is already in use in the reporting screen) is used in the OSHA 301 screen as well.

  • Additionally, if the user has edit OSHA 301 permission, then the DOB field would be visible and available for editing.

  • If the user only has view OSHA 301 permission, then DOB field would just show as “Privacy Information”.

Impacts: None.


Configurable: No

  • Title: OSHA Form 300A Electronic Submission using API Token

  • Public/Private: NAThe user would be able to see the first 50 characters of the incident description on the list.

  • There is a hyperlink provided which would help users to view the full text of 2000 characters.

  • On clicking Export to Excel, the full description will be downloaded to the sheet as a column.

  • This column is available for selection from the incident list columns. (Not part of any system view by default).


Impacts: None.

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PMP-95700 - Validation implementation in Case Management screen on case status change

Configurable: NO

  • Title: NA

  • Public/Private: NA

  • Default: NA

Existing System: Currently, the system doesn't have an option to submit 300A data to OSHA's ITA (Injury Tracking Application) using the new API Token process as the 300A data was previously transmitted to OSHA’s ITA by entering ITA account credentials

Purpose: To comply with regulatory requirements.

Enhanced System:


Enhanced the submit using OSHA API option to allow users to paste an API Token copied from OSHA’s ITA (Injury Tracking Application) in order to transfer a location's 300A data to ITA.


Added guidance information to the information pop-up.


  • we have the validation on case status only when creating a new case progression. 

  • and, we are allowing users to change case status to Closed even without the case progression dates. 

Purpose: To eliminate inconsistencies in metric data calculations. 

Enhanced System:

  1. Users would be restricted from changing the case status without adding Last day for the latest case progression.

  2. This validation is similar to what we have when we add a new case without a date entered for the previous case. 


Impacts: None.

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