New and Improved Features
- PMP-42888 Provide ability to PMAP admin user to upload the client logos & images in company information screen
- PMP-44087 User would like to view all the private configurations as well in the configurations list screen
- PMP-44930 Utilize the language pick list of company information screen to enable disable languages in a customer instance
- PMP-45884 Add search feature to the quick link widget on home page
- PMP-41854 Redesign Supervisor picklist to have consistency with employee picklist fields
- PMP-2847 Department pick list with location hierarchy in autocomplete control
- PMP-45278 User would like to see department hierarchy in the employee list screen
- PMP-39308 Need to change the broadcast notification approach to avoid non-delivery and improve performance
- PMP-44456 Restrict Location admins to make changes to user profile of security administrator
- PMP-44967 User would like to see all the levels in the "MOVE LEVEL" hierarchy tree irrespective of the scope
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Show.
Existing System:
- Currently, there is no interface where a logo can be uploaded. This enhancement will help PMAP admin to upload logo which is used in Reports, Notifications, application home page and login page.
Purpose : For uploading image/logo for new implementation, or updating an existing customer's logo is a backend support activity and time consuming as well. This enhancement will reduce these support hours.
Enhanced System:
Enhanced state will simplify the logo upload process as user can attach logo in the company information screen.
- The supported image type and dimensions are mentioned next to each field so that scope for error would be minimal.
- These fields are read-only for all the users and available only for Pmap Admin users.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Show, Read-Only.
Existing System:
- Currently, Private configurations are not visible in the configurations list screen.
Purpose : For internal users there is no report available to view all the private configurations. This report is critical to know whether a configuration is available on a particular field.
Enhanced System:
A new view is added for Private configurations and this will be a user specific view available only for PMAP admin user.
The existing default view will be renamed as Public configurations.
- On clicking the private view, all the private configurations will show up in the list in read-only mode.
Configurable Setting: Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Show, Read-Only.
Existing System:
- Currently, there is no configuration to enable/disable the languages as per the customer subscription.
Purpose : Configuring a language for a customer is a backend support activity and this enhancement is aimed to reduce these support hours.
Enhanced System:
The picklist will show all the available languages in this system and allows users to "Select" a particular language(s) using the checkbox.
- User would be able to uncheck a already selected language as well.
- Once all the required languages are selected, user should click "Save" for this configuration to get reflected in the application.
- This field is read-only for all the users and editable only for Pmap Admin users.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Enabled.
Existing System:
- Currently, there is no search feature on quick link widget. As the list of quick links is growing it is becoming difficult for user to look for a particular quick link.
Purpose : Search feature increases the usability of the widget where user can locate his preferred quick link easily.
Enhanced System:
- A search icon will be available in the widget, next to header.
- Once those results will appear which matches the entered characters.
- Also, this search will search from the quick links which are set as preference. It wouldn't show a quick link which is not set as preference.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Show.
Existing System:
- Currently, this picklist has consistency issues with employee picklist fields and the list screen. In recent past, there are business rules introduced in employee picklist fields to have some fields as mandatory. These fields weren't featuring in supervisor picklist as the fields were static.
Purpose : To avoid inconsistency between employee and supervisor picklist.
Enhanced System:
The list screen is enhanced to SOA grid framework.
- The fields in the "Add Employee" screen have all the fields similar to employee picklist.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Enabled.
Existing System:
- Currently, auto complete control displays all department names and user wouldn't be able to differentiate duplicate departments under different hierarchy.
Purpose : Improving the usability by helping the user to pick a department without having to open the picklist and also avoid picking the wrong department.
Enhanced System:
- Auto complete control is implemented in employee details screen for better usability.
- The auto complete values would also display the department hierarchy along with the department name.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Show.
Existing System:
- Currently, we display only department names in the employee list screen. Department hierarchy wasn't displayed.
Purpose : To identify the department hierarchy and pull a report.
In the Enhanced System:
- The employee list screen would now display the department hierarchy as a text.
- All the parent departments would be displayed in hierarchical order seperated by "/".
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement.
Default : Enable.
Existing System:
- Currently, our system doesn't have any restriction to send broadcast notifications with attachments. This is causing performance issues and non-delivery of mails.
Purpose : To avoid non-delivery of broadcast notifications and improve performance.
Enhanced System:
- A broadcast having an attachment, the notification is sent with body of the mail having the "Link to Attachment" as hyperlink.
- When user clicks on the link, the image will open on the browser or downloaded.
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level Enhancement
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New and Improved Features
- PMP-50328 - Default all customers to New View and Hide the toggle button for all customers.
- PMP-42892 - Import tool for adding Employees.
- PMP-35920 - Employee Personal Information Summary Widget.
- PMP-49025 - Changes to Quick Links widget to group by module name.
PMP-49409 - User would like to see a new widget for report quick links
PMP-49187 - Add a new view (All Languages View) to Dynamic/Static Tags - BETA screen
- PMP-46494 - Allow users to enter decimal values in Wage field of employee details screen.
- PMP-48367 - User would like to see broadcasts in the "Manage Events/News" list screen based on the location scope.
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Configurable Setting: Not Configurable.
Default : Common Change.
Existing System: Currently, there is toggle enabled to switch between both classic and new view.
Purpose : Deprecate the classic view for improved performance and usability.
Enhanced System: Enhanced state will redirect all users of the application to the new view.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Enable.
Existing System: Currently, there is no import available for adding employees. It has to be done from application or through feed.
Purpose : Equip system admin with ability to add employees in bulk.
Enhanced System:
This import utility will help system admin to import all location employees.
- User would be able to import new employees and update existing employees. Employee ID will be treated as key to differentiate.
- The template available will have dynamic data, user will be able to select the values from drop down which improves the usability.
- There is a prompt/comments available in the template which lets user know the type of the fields and the acceptable limits.
- A field specification sheet is also provided in the template for quick reference.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Available in the Widget Library.
Existing System: Currently, employee information in available but there is no widget to give a summary pulling information from various modules.
Purpose : There is need to show this summary which helps user easily navigate to his pending tasks.
Enhanced System:
- By default, this widget displays logged-in employee details. If there is no employee associated to the user, then this widget will display "No Records" similar to other widgets.
The data points will be fetched as per the filters selected. Current Year will be the default filter.
- The employee search will allow users to select and view the information about any other employee.
- Only Location Admin/Security Admin will be able to see the full of employees. Other users would be viewing only the employee details of sub-ordinates.
Filters on Counts:
Incidents: Total Count of Incidents (All Incident Types) employee was involved for the filtered time period.
IH Exposure: Over Exposure Category Count of Sample of a employee for the filtered time period.
Training Courses: Total (Scheduled, Completed and Not Attended) courses of the employee for the filtered time period.
Note: All Counts are for the landing location and selected employee.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Show.
Existing System: Currently, quick links are displayed individually irrespective of module.
Purpose : Grouping of quick links by module improves the usability.
Enhanced System:
- Each quick link would be displayed in respective module group.
- Deprecated the sort filter to sort quick links by name. However, user can make use of sorting by module.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Available in Widget Library.
Existing System: Currently, we have "My Reports" quick link which takes user to all module report templates page. There is no quick link to navigate to module specific reports.
Purpose : Increase the usability by helping user to navigate to module specific report templates.
Enhanced System:
- The widget would show/hide based on the reports permission.
- Individual quick links in the widget would be also driven by module level permissions to the user.
- On clicking the module quick link, user would land to respective module report templates.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Show.
Existing System: Currently, the list shows only one language translations (Language which is set as language preference or saved in filters).
Purpose : To improve the usability and equip admin to view/edit all language tags at once.
Enhanced System:
- A new system view "All Languages View" has been introduced to help user find all the tags in one list screen.
- This system view in addition to the "Default View" available in the list screen which displays multilingual tags in logged in language.
The list screen has an additional column as "Language". User would be able to use inline filter and find any other language tags.
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Configurable Setting: No Configuration.
Default : Enable.
Existing System: Currently,
Purpose : To avoid unauthorized use of the systemdecimal values are not allowed in the wage field.
Purpose : User would be able to input accurate wage details.
Enhanced System:
- Security admin user records will be hidden in the location setup user list screen.
- This change is done in the backend and it is not configurableIn enhanced state, Users would be able to enter upto 2 decimal values in the employee details screen.
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48367 - User would like to see
broadcasts in the "
Manage Events/News" list screen based on the location scope
Configurable Setting: None, Product Level EnhancementNo Configuration.
Default : Enable.
Existing System:
- Currently, when a new level is created, this level is not appearing in the move level tree unless a location is added under it and the user has scope to that location.
Purpose : To avoid creating a test location so that the level is moved under the desired hierarchy.
Enhanced System:
: Enable.
Existing System: Currently,
- User is not able to view the broadcasts widget which he doesn't have scope to in the landing page. (This is correct behavior)
- When user navigates to the "Manage Events/News screen, he is able to view all the broadcasts irrespective of the location scope and assignment scope. (Incorrect behavior)
Purpose : To restrict users from unauthorized access to News/Events.
In the Enhanced System:
This enhancement will target to display only those records for which user is authorized to.