New and Improved Features
Customer Specific
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Codes for Routes, Injection site, Declined reason will be added in database table, not be visible in the application. However additional values will be visible. Manufacturer CDC standardized list along with MVX code will be visible in the application. Manufacturer field will be visible in administer immunization
Existing System:
- Limited values for Routes, Injection site, Declined reason. No CDC identified unique code marked for these values
- No barcode (string values) available for vaccine stored in the system
- Manufacturer for Vaccines is added in the system.
- Manufacturer for Vaccine, Medication, and Equipment are together added Location Set up >Occ Health > Manufacturer
- Hence manufacturers for medication and equipment also appear in Manage Vaccine. Moreover, the Vaccine manufacturer do not have CDC identified code
- Missing standardized codes and values didnt allowed to submit the vaccines to the state registry
- No way to identify the separate manufacturers for Vaccine and identify them with specific MVX codes
Enhanced System:
- CDC standarized MVX Code for Manufacturer , CDC code/values for Routes , Injection site, Declined reason, Vaccine String or barcode added for vaccine(visible only in db)
- Restriction to add random manufacturer for vaccine in the system
- Location set up > Manufacturer dependencies of Manufacturer in Location Set up with Vaccine removed
- Manage Vaccine >Add Manufacturer option from Vaccine Details removed
- Manage Vaccine would have DB cobfiguration table for IIS Manufacturer and Load all the manufacturer information as per the
- In Manage Vaccine there would be a Select Manufacturer button in Vaccine details to Select CDC standardized Manufacturer
- On clicking the select Manufacturer button a new Page would load with CDC standardized manufacturer list with MVX code and other details . Users can search and select a single manufacturer.This screen is similar to Select Vaccine screen . Manufacturer would appear sorted alphabetically (A-Z)
- The list will load both Active and inactive manufacturer
- In Administer Immunization it would show a read only box for manufacturer
- Vaccine details If a vaccine is already used, the existing Vaccine record manufacturer cannot be changed .This will be read only .For new manufacturers user need to create a new vaccine record
- Existing Data: Data correction is done for all customer for MVX code and manufacturer list for vaccines
- Impact : BI
- Out of Scope : Flu Form . In Flu form, user cannot edit the existing DOB of the employees as for some employees place holder date is pushed into the system . Hence as discussed with CSM this will be handled in a different ticket
Manage Vaccine
Administer Immunization
Manufacturer information added
Other Values added in Administer Immunization
Codes in Excel sheet : Lref gdrive file url
BI : MVX code
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: IsIntegrationAvailable Values : Yes / No
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Automatic reporting of Vaccination information to South Carolina Vaccination Registry for BMW
- The vaccine doesn't have a CDC standardized CVX code
- The manufacturer of the vaccine doesn't have a standardized MVX code (
- For Simon Submission, Employee Address fields are mandatory
- Correct US city, state, and Zipcode to be provided, else a warning will be generated during submission
- Correct combination for the vaccine to be entered i.e the combination to be correct for Vaccine + Dose + Routes + Injection site + Age as per and
- Some of the values in the PMAP system for Route, Injection site have no CDC code available in the CDC guide. These values should not be pushed through SIMON else will fail
Immunization Outbound Log Report
Success notification
Failure Notification