- Click on the Module icon.
- Click on the Incident Management menu item.
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Users can select from the following menu items for the Incident Management Module
Dashboard | Allows users to access summary data based on the incidents, case classification and hours recorded.Report New Incident | Allows users to create new incident reports |
Manage Incident Reports | List screen showing all of the incidents created for the location or level selected in the navigator. |
Case Management | Allows users to identify the classification of case for injury/illnesses. Injury/Illness incidents can be classified as First Aid, Other Recordable, Restricted Duty, Lost Time or Fatality. |
Manage Action Items | List screen shows all of the action items created for the location or level selected in the navigator. |
Management Review | Allows management to review and sign-off on the investigation and action item plans for an incident. |
Manage Claims | List screen shows all of the workers’ compensation records. Workers’ Compensation is only used in the United States. |
OSHA 300 / Sharps Injury | Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and Sharps Injury |
OSHA 300A | All incidents which have been identified as a work related reportable incident for employees or supervised contract employees will automatically appear on the OSHA 300A summary report. |
OSHA 301 | The OSHA 301 Review tab allows users to review and edit the information displayed on the OSHA 301 log. |
RIDDOR Forms | List screen shows all the Riddor records from where user can navigate to the respective Riddor form based on the Riddor Classification provided while reporting an incident. |
Metrics | The Metrics component gives the count of the number of incidents of all types based on different criteria. |