New and Improved Features
New and Improved Features
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- There is no option to access Insight from Mobile Pro (iPad/Tablet devices)
Purpose: Make Insight accessible from Mobile Pro (iPad/Tablet devices)
Enhanced System:
- There is a new icon available on the Home Screen
- This icon will be visible based on logged in user's permission
- Icon will only be visible in Online mode, it will not be visible in offline mode
- When clicking on this icon, the device's default browser will open and current Insight Landing page will open
Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: No help guide available
Purpose: To improve the usability by providing FAQ
Enhanced System:
- Help guide to find access code information
- FAQ for login process and settings
Impacts: NA
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Configurable : NA
- Title : NA
- Public/Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System: Only having forgot password option
Purpose: Provide option to know user name and forgot password reset link
Enhanced System:
- Option to know user name using email : User will receive an email with link to know user name. For security reason we are not showing user name in the email, by clicking on the link it will redirect to mobile app login screen and display the user name in user name field.
- Option to send reset password link : User will receive an email with link to reset password. By clicking on the link it will redirect to change password scree in mobile.
Impacts : NA
Note : To redirect to specific screen from email , the app should have access code
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: No change password option
Purpose: Option to reset or change password using mobile
Enhanced System:
- Option to reset password from user reset password email
- Option to change password from user change password email
Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: No option to show password
Purpose: Option to show password
Enhanced System:
- Toggle option to show/hide password in all password fields
Impacts: NA
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: Maxexpiredays
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: 30
Existing System: No option to turn off password expire feature
Purpose: Turn off password expire feature
Enhanced System:
- Change configuration value to zero, so it will bypass the password expire validation
Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Guide note is visible always irrespective of the question having a note configured
Purpose: To improve the usability of the questionnaire page
Enhanced System:
- Guide note icon is visible only if the question has a note
- If there is no guide note configured for that question, the user wouldn't see the icon in the questionnaire page
Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Landing page would be accessible
Current System:
- No LMS Mobile App in place
- Trainings, Sessions, etc. were accessible through web
- New LMS Mobile App to Schedule and Manage End-to-End Training workflow
- User can view trainings, sessions add/update the outcomes through the LMS App
- However, user cannot add/delete the training or sessions from the mobile, for now it will be done through web only
- In Home page a new icon for Learning Management is visible
- Clicking the icon will navigate the user to Landing page with options to View Session and My Training
- Clicking View session it would navigate the user to Session List screen which would display top 20 Sessions for that location sorted by Start Date
- My Training would display count of assigned training to the user where Training Status is Open, Incomplete and Overdue
- On clicking it will navigate the user to My Training List Screen with statistical count of all training for Logged-in user and expandable section for training with Open, Incomplete and Overdue status
Existing Data: LMS web records to appear in LMS Mobile Pro
Impacts: NA
Home Page:
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: My Training Screen accessible to user with permission
Enhanced System:
- My Training Screen displays holistic information on Logged in User Training
- With quick actions availability to Launch or Resume the Training and also view/update the outcome of the completed course
- By Default the My Training screen will dislplay all the screen collapsed
- Completed and Did Not Attend courses will be an option available to click and view
- View All option to expand all the section irrespective of the Training Status
- By Default the courses will be sorted by due date, with the oldest due date at the top
- User can perform following action by clicking on the buttons below:
- Launch (VTA) - will navigate to play the Training Video files for that session
- Resume (VTA) - will navigate to play the Remaining Video file session of the Training Video file, the button will display the progress by combination of 2 different color codes
- Update Outcome (VTA and Non-VTA) - will navigate the user to update his own score
Important Note :
ProcessMAP was able to deliver the ability to launch course from mobile. However, we have found with our current customer that may of the internal and external develop training content is not mobile friendly. Due to this fact we have decide to not include the launching of course feature in our 20.1 release. Customer Success will be working with our existing customer to upgrade their course content to be mobile friendly. Once we have all Customer content upgrade to be mobile friendly then we release the launch feature
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: User should be able to archive, retrieve SDS and multi-upload SDS attachment with version
Enhanced System:
- View Session would display the list of sessions for that location in chronological order
- User can view Session based on the permission
- On clicking the Employee icon in the session, record navigates to Session Summary page
- It displays the Session details and Employees enrolled in the session
- User can update score by clicking on Update Outcome button for multiple employees or a single employee
- On marking the session complete for the employee, it will show option to Send Certificate to Trainees, instructor and other users
- Color Code for user icon in View Session and update Outcome
- Green if complete
- Blue if incomplete
- Yellow if partially complete