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New and Improved Features
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Product Level
PMP-77193 SDS Archive List to show both Archive date and uploaded date
PMP-77106 Restrict access to other section without save of ingredient post save of Request details
PMP-65727 Add CAS # & Synonymn as an additional column - Module Set up > Chemical Management
Customer Specific
PMP-75247 Chemicals Management Question Setup Finalization78617 New Widget samples collected vs. number of samples analyzed
PMP-78507 User Not able to add a sample in last year's (2020) sample plans
PMP-75265 The user cannot store the mixture result category in the table
PMP-71136 New RC Report "Approved Sample Notifications"
Customer Specific
PMP-77223 Request to Change Business Rule for STEL Duration Type
PMP-73371 Request to Revise IH Module Sample Employee Notification Report
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78617 New Widget samples collected vs. number of samples analyzed
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- SDS Upload list for Archived Chemical shows incorrect label .Instead of archive date its showing uploaded date Existing IH widgets consider agents in Sample to show the Sample collected and analyzed
- The number of samples collected vs. number of samples analyzed should be based on the sample number, not the number of agents analyzed
- Incorrect information To view the information by agent is redundant for customer need
Enhanced System:
- New IH Widget as Sample Collected versus Analyzed
- Sample Collected = Not Sent to Lab + Sent to Lab + Sample Received + Sample Approved + Invalidated Samples
- Sample Analyzed = Result Received + Approved + Invalidated
- It will show 1-year data for the current year or previous year
- It will show the count of individual samples collected and analyzed for that month of the year
- Instead of agents linked to the sample, it will show the count by IH Log Number / Individual Sample
Please refer to the attached snapshot for detail
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: STELBusinessRuleApplicable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- For certain Sample Equipment types, the selection of Duration Type = STEL in Sample Details defaults to the value of "Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift?" to "Yes" in Sample Activity Details and locks the field for editing.
- The result of this rule/behavior is that the user cannot select "No," so the Sample Result can be calculated based on an amount of time different from the sample time (15 minutes, for example).
- The only option is that the Lab Concentration populates the Sample Result, and this is not always appropriate if the result needs to be determined for an amount of time that is not the same as the sample time.
Enhanced System:
- For any applicable Sample Equipment type, the selection of Duration Type = STEL in Sample Details SHOULD NOT default the value of "Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift?" in Sample Activity Details and SHOULD NOT lock the field for editing.
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Saving atleast one ingredient is mandatory .
- User gets this validation message during save of Safety information
- Also , user are facing incovinience as the screen is not SOAAllows to create a sample for Sample plans of the current year
- Usuability improvementsThere are few rolling plans since last year
Enhanced System:
- The system allows users to create samples for the current and previous year sample plan
- The user should be able to select the Sample Plan accordingly from the previous and current year
- SOA Changes PMP-78767 to be taken up in 21.3
- Product level change
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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75265 The user cannot store the Mixture Result category in the table
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- No CAS no ,synonymns , chemical molecular weight available in Group chemical libraryMixture result category not stored in the database hence was not populating in BI reports
- Incomplete informationBI reports did not show the Mixture Result category
Enhanced System:
- Following columns in Group Chemical Library SOA added
CAS# - Mandatory
Synonymn - Non Mandatory
Molecular Weight - Non MandatoryThe Mixture Result category is now available in the database and in BI reports
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: EmployeeNotificationLetter2Changes , Yes = show following changes , No = no changes
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: No
Enhanced System:
- Rename Employee Notification Letter to Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Notification. Name changes are applicable only in PDF, not to Application
- Rename Shift Length to OEL Duration
- In the Sample Results Summary table, remove PPM Results and PPM Exposure Limit columns and rename Lowest OEL Source as OEL Source
- Other Exposure Limit References table removed
- Personal Protective Equipment or Controls Used Section removed
- Employee Signature and Date removed
- Header to identify section as the explanation of Exposure Categories
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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71136 New RC Report "Approved Sample Notifications"
Configurable: NA
- Title: CountrySpecificQuestionsMandatory ,Yes -mandatory , No - Non MandatoryNA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- All country-specific questions to be non-mandatory / non mandatory configurable:
Existing System:
- No way to track the list of users to whom the Approve Sample notification has been sent
- The info could have been shared through Daily Notification or through Immediate Notification while approving the sample
- Due to technical limitations, the system would track only the immediate notifications
Purpose: Lack of information to the user
Enhanced System:
- New RC Report for IH: Sample Approved Notification
- Refer to the snapshot below for filter and report columns
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA