Note: All Due Dates are the Build Date. Those stories will be released to production when the respective build is released.
21.3 Apps Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
- DAP-5798 - Show previously selected values for single/multi-selection controls (instead of blank) when a data source value is deleted
- DAP-6430 - Support responsive UI for App Builder Home, List, and Details
- DAP-6409 - Ability to click and view attachments for a view-only record
DAP-5798 - Show previously selected employee name (instead of blank) when he is moved from one location to another
Existing System: Currently, when an employee is moved to a different location, the existing record has the employee's name as blank.
Purpose: To ensure that existing record always reflects originally entered employee data.
Enhanced System: User would be able to see,
Impacts: No impact to existing forms.
DAP-6409 - Ability to click and view attachments for a view-only record
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when the user has view-only access to a record, he is unable to view the attachment of that record.
Purpose: To be able to view attachments.
Enhanced System: Users would see the attachments when
DAP-6430 - Support responsive UI for App Builder Home, List, and Details
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, we have usability issues when app builder is accessed in browser from lower resolution screens.
Purpose: To ensure that the application is accessible in all devices (Desktop, Tablet and Mobile).
Enhanced System: User would be able to
PMP-83343: Make Session Update Button Configurable
PMP-76116: Training Effectiveness field to be added in Sessions Outcome update78938: Training effectiveness tab should have "Select" by default
Product Level Change
PMP-84815 : As an end user i would like to get reminder in the user configured manner till Status updated to Completed/Exempt/Attended
PMP-78938 : Training effectiveness tab should have "Select" by default
Configurable: Yes
Title: EnableTrainingEffectiveness
Public/Private: Private
Default: No
The Effectiveness Field was showing Effective by default.
Use Case / Purpose: Difficult to identify and pick the employee who would need reassessment
Enhanced System:
The system is showing “Select” by default.
21.3 IMS Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
PMP-83891 - As an end user I want to see guide about login process to OSHA e-submission API
- PMP-79461 - As an end user I need a way to determine PSM Incident tier based on 3 user inputs and predefined Material spillage range
- PMP-79369 - As an end user I want to have an Roll-up IMS Dashboard (Level)
PMP-83891 - As an end user I want to see guide about login process to OSHA e-submission API
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: To avoid the confusion between OSHA and ProcessMap Credential
Purpose: To ensure user does not confuse with OSHA credentials.
Enhanced System: Two text lines are added in the UI
Added Line one text: THIS IS NOT YOUR ProcessMAP LOGIN
Added Line two text: Visit OSHA Injury Tracking Application to Create an Account or Reset you Password
Added Link :
Supporting Platforms: Web
Impacts: No impact
PMP-79461 - As an end user I want to have updated IMS Dashboard with additional widgets
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: More filter are not available in Widgets.
Purpose: Better usability
Enhanced System:
Better Placement of Widgets.
- More filters added.
- New Widgets addition : Top Statistics widget, Rate Trend widget
Supporting Platforms: Web
Impacts: No impact
PMP-79369 - As an end user I want to have an Roll-up IMS Dashboard (Level)
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: IMS Dashboard does not have widgets specific for roll-up.
Purpose: widgets specific for Levels and arranged to give a roll-up view for Managers.
Enhanced System:
- Wherever fiscal year is selected in Period filters, default it as per customer's Fiscal year configuration i.e. if a customer has Fiscal Year enabled and start month is other than Jan, set the default Period filter to Fiscal Year, else Calendar year.
- View Name - IMS Dashboard Rollup (Level)
- Widget Name : Incident Counts By Location, Injury/Illness Classification By Location
Supporting Platforms: Web
Impacts: No impact
21.3 Risk Assessment Micro-Release Items
- PMP-59938 - As an end user I want to distinguish predictive and actual Residual ratings
PMP-59938 - As an end user I want to distinguish predictive and actual Residual ratings
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Display Residual Risk Type
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: Disabled
Existing System: There is no way to differentiate if a residual rating is Current residual rating or a Predictive rating
- Provide ability to conduct Predictive rating without disturbing the initial and residual rating
- This will help assessors project a rating based on proposed controls
Enhanced System:
- Has a new field in Risk Rating detail screen "Risk Rating Type" displayed after Date field when the configuration is turned on
- The field will be displayed only from second rating onwards
- First rating will be always treated as Initial Rating by default
- If an Initial Rating exists and user enters a new rating having an earlier rating date than existing Initial Rating then the new rating will be treated as Initial Rating even though user has selected Risk Rating Type as Current or Predictive
- Existing Initial Rating will be converted as Current Rating
- A new column Risk Rating Type is added in Risk Rating List section
- Two new columns are added in Task List screen to display Predictive Rating Rating and Level
- A new column is added in Manage Assessment screen to display Predictive Hazard Level
- Any predictive rating will be excluded from Residual Risk Rating or Residual Assessment Score calculation
Impacts: Mobile, Report, Cognos