19.2.1 Hot Fix Live items by Customer
19.2.1 Hot Fix Live items by Customer
Gadget preferences filterId=filter-32149&xstattype=components&ystattype=customfield_11100&sortBy=natural&sortDirection=asc&numberToShow=18&isConfigured=true&refresh=false url https://processmap.atlassian.net/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:two-dimensional-stats-gadget/gadgets/two-dimensional-stats-gadget.xml
Gadget filterId filter-32150 isConfigured true preferences filterId=filter-32150&num=1050&columnNames=issuekey%7Csummary%7Ccomponents%7Ccustomfield_11100%7Ccustomfield_10902%7Cstatus%7Ccustomfield_12502&isConfigured=true&refresh=false15 columnNames issuekey|summary|components|customfield_11100|customfield_10902|status|customfield_12502 num 1810 width 900 refresh false url https://processmap.atlassian.net/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:filter-results-gadget/gadgets/filter-results-gadget.xml
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Configurable :No, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- Quick Links, Insight Quick Links, Report Links, Broadcast New and Events, and Mobile Access Code
Purpose :
- To provide more useful widgets.
Enhanced System :
- User Widget, Module Widget, App Widget, Quick Links, Insight Quick Links, Report Links, Broadcast New and Events, and Mobile Access Code
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Configurable :No, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- View dropdown doesn't distinguish as dropdown style to click.
- Quick link module name and links are with same font.
Purpose :
- To improve usability
Enhanced System :
- Provided border to View Dropdown.
- Change font color of Module header and quick link.
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Configurable :No, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- User unable to pin location navigator to perform multiple action
Purpose :
- To pin location navigator to perform multiple action
Enhanced System :
- Option to pin navigator
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Configurable :No, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- System doesn't display System Name in homepage.
Purpose :
- To display System Name in homepage header.
Enhanced System :
- Display System Name in homepage header
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Configurable :No, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- System removes user scope and permission for all locations mapped to a level during level inactivation, even any location mapped to other node level.
Purpose :
- To restrict removing scope and permission for other node mapped the locations.
Enhanced System :
- While inactivating a level, system will not remove user scope and permission for the locations mapped to other nodes.
- System will remove user scope and permission for the locations only mapped to the level and make the location status inactive.
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Configurable :Yes, Product Level
- Title : AdditionalUsersToBeNotified
- Public / Private : Private
- Default : Created By, Assigned By
Existing System:
- Doesn't display verification section fields for verification event mail.
- No configuration to manage recipient users like Created By, Assigned By , Verified Users etc.
Purpose :
- To display verification fields in mail.
Enhanced System :
- Displaying verification fields in verification event mail.
- Configuration to mange recipient users
- Change to notification subject as per event and action required.
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Configurable :Yes, Product Level
- Title : Na
- Public / Private : NA
- Default : NA
Existing System:
- Currently, we don't have multilingual support.
Purpose :
- Better usability.
Enhanced System :
- User would now be able to see question categories in different languages.
- This would be applicable for web and mobile platforms.
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- We currently, don't have metrics pulled from IMS based on action item status.
Purpose: To show metrics count from IMS.
Enhanced System:
- User should be able to see the metrics for "Actual number of SI Near Miss Incidents classified as Serious Injury Potential Closed" (Associated action Item status should be closed and/or completed.
- Filters: Incident Type is "Near Miss" and Did this near miss have serious injury potential (SI-P) is "Yes" and Incident Date is "Current Month".
- User should be able to see the metrics for "Actual number of Near Miss Incidents classified as Serious Injury Potential Generated"
- Filters: “Incident Type = Near Miss” and “Did this near miss have serious injury potential (SI-P) = Yes” and “Action Item Status Change to Closed and/or Completed Date = Current Month”.
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Configurable: Yes, Backend.
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- We don't have this widget.
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have a a widget that displays Total Incident Rate (TIR)
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Has inconsistency in action item status display between Incident Summary Screen vs Incident Action Item List screen
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Has the work intimation in the Management Review initial notification
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Existing Near Miss and Injury/Illness Outbound APIs provide only Incident Detail section data
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have place holder to capture EIN information in OSHA 300A screen
IMS Items - Product Level | Live Release Date | Status | ||||
PMP-66485 As an end user I would like to see department hierarchy while selecting the departmenthierarchy while selecting the department | 24th December, 2019 | Released to Live | ||||
PMP-66481 As an end user I would like to input longer Task Title | 24th December, 2019 | Released to Live | ||||
PMP-66595 As an admin I would like to configure Risk score as 0 for various Risk Elements | 24th December, 2019 | Released to Live | ||||
PMP- | 6648166550 As | anand end user I would like to | input longer Task Title5 Risk levels in Risk Assessment | 24th December, 2019 | Released | to Liveto Live |
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66485 As an
end user I would like to
24th December, 2019
24th December, 2019
see department hierarchy while selecting the department
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not display full department hierarchy while selecting department in Risk Assessment details screen
- Make it easy for end users to select correct child department in case there are more than once child departments under different parent departments
Enhanced System:
- Displays full department hierarchy in Risk Assessment details screen
Impacts: Cognos
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66481 As an end user I would like to
input longer Task Title
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not display full department hierarchy while selecting department in Risk Assessment details screenAllows only upto 200 characters in Task Title field
- Make it easy for end users to select correct child department in case there are more than once child departments under different parent departmentsAllow more characters for legacy data migration
Enhanced System:
- Displays full department hierarchy in Risk Assessment details screenAccepts up to 300 characters in Task Title field
- No visible change for end users
Impacts: Cognos
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66595 As an
admin I would like to
configure Risk score as 0 for various Risk Elements
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Allows only upto 200 characters in Task Title fieldDoes not accepts 0 as Risk score
- To allow admins to set 0 as score
Enhanced System:
- Accepts up to 300 characters in Task Title fieldNo visible change for end users0 as score value
- If in any case due to formula configuration the final score comes out to be an invalid number (5/0), system will still display 0
Impacts: CognosNo Impact
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66550 As and end user I would like to
5 Risk levels in Risk Assessment
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not accepts 0 as Risk scoreHas only 4 levels available in Risk Rating Interpretation
- To allow admins to set 0 as score
Enhanced System:
- Accepts 0 as score value
- If in any case due to formula configuration the final score comes out to be an invalid number (5/0), system will still display 0Provide more levels for Risk Rating Interpretation
Enhanced System:
- Has 5 levels available
Impacts: No Impact
19.2.1 Industrial Hygiene HotFixLive Items
Industrial - Product Level | Live Release Date | Status |
PMP-61471 - Request to Update "Threshold" values | Jan 8 ,2020 | Released to Live |
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61471 Request to update the Threshold value
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Has only 4 levels available in Risk Rating InterpretationIn noise samples for Threshold there are some missing values
- Provide more levels for Risk Rating InterpretationMatch the values we have in the information document of the sample and the same need to prepopulate
Enhanced System:
- Has 5 levels availableMissing values for Threshold need to be added : 60 ,75
Impacts: No Impact