New and Improved Features
Product Level
Home & Widgets
PMP-70789 LMS Home Page with Widgets
Training , Sessions & Course
PMP-67558 Add a "Tool Tip" or "Hover Over" for Session and Course explaining naming convention
PMP-66962 Add Employee ID as an additional column
PMP-69517 Assigned to Category Field above Session type
PMP-67080 Change the filter type for Training Completion Date
PMP-66997 Configure Prerequisites for each courses
PMP-69802 Gap: Import template - Single occurence update
PMP-69516 Group buttons in Training List and Session List
PMP-69515 Launch and Resume button in List Screen
PMP-52918 Provision of ability to filter the employees by last name in employee picklist
PMP-54379 Provision of adding score to session and outcome import template
PMP-50457 Provision to increase the duration of courses for LMS from 24 hours
PMP-65818 Training Summary Progress View count not consistent with Session List
PMP-69524 : Select All option Employee in Session Details
PMP-69521 Fields relabelled in Session Details & and Course Details
PMP-69522 Certification Expiry Date Changes
PMP-69518 Show/Hide Cost Section
PMP-68115 LMS Job Function - Currently stored in DB as Comma Separate which create issue for BI
Single instance Instance for multiple customersMultiple Customers
PMP-71777 LMS - Reviqo User able to view Course & instructor and Instructor of other customers
PMP-70722 All Outcome statuses to get moved
PMP-70724 LMS Certificate redesign
PMP-67578 Remove Training Form and To times if if Delivery Method is Classroom or Instructor is blank
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- No defined view page in home
- Only My Training widget for Employee
- My training Training widget displayed only the VTA Courses with Open and Inprogress In Progress status
Holistic view of all training activities
- New System view in home page for LMS "LMS Home Page"
- New Widgets widgets added for both Employee and Supervisor view
New Widgets
- LMS Employee Profile widget
Will appear based on the Employee and supervisor Supervisor login
- No search option - Future future version Search will be disabled
- Direct Report Reportee counts to be displayed, if any any. Hyperlinked to My Training and would show the list of training records for direct employee
- My Training (existing widget changes)
- Will display the VTA courses with all status
- Filter option -:
- By Status: View All, Overdue, Incomplete, Open, Complete, Did not attend Not Attend
- By Period: 30, 60, 90 Days, Current Year
- View All -: My Training
- No Number of records: Considering Training start date Start Date, recent Recent 5,10, 20 records, View All (redirect to Schedule Training List screen), .Default - 20
- Actions - :
- Launch, Resume, Search (Course, Session). Will fetch most likely search
- Direct ReporteesReports
- Will show show both Non-VTA & and VTA sessions of direct reportees reports
- Along with Period filter user can filter by different status
- User can update the outcome for a non-VTA course
- For VTA course it will autofetch the outcome
Filter option -:
By Status: View All, Overdue, Incomplete, Open, Complete, Did not attend Not Attend
By Period: 30, 60, 90 Days, Current Year
View All -: My Training
No Number of records: Considering Training start date, recent recent 5,10, 20 records, View All (redirect to Schedule Training List screen) . Default - 20
Actions -: Launch, Resume, Search (Course, Session). Will fetch most likely search
- Training Status
Employee: If logged in user is Employee, show his/her training status
Supervisor: If logged in user is supervisor show his Direct Reportee Supervisor, show his/her Direct Reportees' Training Status
Period: 30, 60, 90 Days (default), Current Year, View All
Navigation: clicking the counts will redirect to Schedule Training List
- Quick Link
- Quick access to pages based on user permission
- Employee Training Summary
- Show direct reportees' training records with highest overdue and open
First it would consider the one with highest overdue
If overdue count is same for both employees, it will consider the Overdue + Open count
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impact: NA
LMS Home Page
LMS Widgets in LMS Home Page view (Supervisor Login)
Employee Login
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Explaining Naming Convention
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- No Tool tip Tip or hover over Hover Over to know the allowable special characters for details and description field in Session detail Detail, Course Detail, Plan detailDetail
- User unable to identify the special characters the field would take and got the message after entering
Enhanced System:
- A "Tool Tip" with "Hover Over" and additional special characters for Title and Description for Session detailDetail, Course Detail, Plan detailDetail
- Field will not allow user to enter any other special character other than the mentioned ones
- Applicable screens - Session detail, Course Detail, Plan detailDetail
- Existing Data: Will show hover over Hover Over for old records also
- Impact: NA
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Additional Column
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System:
- Employee ID column to be Added added
- This would not be in Default view View
- Applicable to My Training and Schedule Training List Screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: Export to Excel
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Statuses to
Get Moved
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: MoveAllOutcomes,Values: Yes - = Move all outcome status status, No - = all outcome status will not move
- Private/Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- If Employee moves from one location to another, all his/her courses doesnt don't get moved to the other location
Enhanced System:
- Training records will with all outcomes status to move when employee moves to another location
- Not applicable for reoccuring session
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Above Session
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Session Session assigned to Employee, Group and Job function Function through different fields
Purpose: Multiple mouse click clicks and confusing to users
Enhanced System:
- Assign To field is renamed to Assign To Category
- Assign To Category field is a drop down with values: Employee, Group, Job functionFunction
- On selecting the values, the associated field field appears as earlier. No change in their position
- Field "Do you want to assign Session to Job function" is hidden
- Applicable to Schedule Training and My Training
- Existing Data: Assign to category will display the earlier values selected
- Impact: NA
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Filter Type for Training Completion Date
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Training completion date filter showed irrelevant filter
Appropriate training completion filter as per the snapshot
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Each Course
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Single Prerequisite Course can be configured for a Primary Course in Course Catalogue
- For a Sessionsession, multiple Primary primary courses and multiple prerequisite courses can be configured
- No session record created for Prerequisite prerequisite courses
- It forces users to complete all the prerequisite courses for a single Primary course . course
- User have has no visibility on to prerequisite courses
Enhanced System:
- Multiple prerequisite courses can be configured under a course in Course Catalogue page
- In Session details, for a primary course we will restrict the prerequisite course selection. Prerequisite course will be a read-only field
- Upon a Primary primary course selection in Session Details, it will simply auto-populate the mapped prerequisite courses and Employee the employee would be completing those mapped prerequisite courses
- If prerequisite courses is not selected for a course, the user cannot configure it in session details. User need needs to configure it in Course Catalogue only
- Applicable for VTA and Non-VTA
- Auto-created session record for prerequisite courses . , where the Prerequisite prerequisite course name would appear in the Course field .
* User cannot further add any other course or prerequisite course for this session record
* These records will appear in Session list list, where the course name column would show pre-requisite course name and name and pre-requisite course column would be blank
- Existing Data: Not Applicable for Existing existing records as it would mess up alter the user-selected records. Will be applicable for new records
Impact: SOA of My Training Training and Scheule Training
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Adding Score to
Session in
Import Template
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User unable to update the score during bulk import of training records
- New column to update score for the training records during bulk import
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Occurrence Update
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- By Occurence outcome update for reoccuring session was not available
- Through import it allowed to update outcome for the last reoccurence
Purpose: Gapdesign flaw
Enhanced System:
- For Reoccurence session for each occurence till date, a new row will appear in the import template
- User can update the occurence individually and that would appear in application post import
- It will show the validatation message the way it is showing
- User needs to manually need to update all occurrence occurrences in import with score and outcome
- Its It is creating number of session sessions for each instructor in course course, its it is creating new row for each instructor in reoccurence. This is a design flaw. It should create a new row for each reoccurence for an employee by course only
- Applicable product level
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Buttons in Training List and Session List
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- More counts of button in My Training and Schedule Training
Purpose: Too much of space. Have improved GUI
- Import Outcome, Update Outcome and Copy button grouped under single button as Action .
- On Clicking, it should show all the three buttons
- Applicable to My Training and Schedule Training List Screen
- Existing Data: No change
- Impact: NA
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Button in List Screen
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User can launch/resume courses by clicking through Course course link or through My Training widget
Enhanced System:
- For VTA Courses: Launch/ Resume Resume appears in My Training >Session list > Session List > Update Outcome Column
- Non-VTA Courses: Update Outcome appear Outcome appears in My Training > Session list List > Update Outcome Column
- Existing Data: Will show the action link for VTA and non-VTA courses
- Impact: NA
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Ability to
Filter the
Employees by
Last Name in Employee Picklist
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System: Employee last name filter added in SOA SOA of My Training and Schedule Training
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Increase the
Duration of
Courses for LMS from 24 hours
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Max duration allowed for a course was 23hrs 23 hours, 59 mintsminutes
Purpose: There are courses which whose duration is more than 24 hrs hours
Enhanced System:
- System would now allow to enter course duration max of 99 hrs hours, 59 mintsminutes
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: Session details in My Training and Schedule Training
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Stored in DB as Comma Separate
, Which Creates Issue for BI
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- LMS Job Function - Currently stored in DB as Comma Separate, which create creates issue for BI
Purpose: Flaw
Enhanced System:
- A new table in DB that would store the session-wise job functions
- Existing Data: Display the job functions in insightInsight
- Impact: NA
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Able to
View Course
and Instructor of Other Customers
Configurable Setting: Enterprise Customers
- Title: SingleSiteChangesApplicable, Value : Yes - Applicable = Applicable, No - = Not Applicable
- Private Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- For Single single-site customer (LMS Reviqo) where each node and its location are specific to specific customers, there are a few fields appearing for all nodes and location.
- Following field data will appear under specific nodes only
- External Instructor, Instructor Picklist, Course Picklist, Prerequisite Pre-requisite Course Picklist, Plan Picklist
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: CustomizedDesignedCertificate ,Yes -Customer specific design applicable , No - existing product designCertificateOfCompletion, Values =/LMS/CertificateOfCompletionFunctionSpecific, /LMS/CertificateOfCompletion
- Private Public: NAPrivate
- Default:NA /LMS/CertificateOfCompletion
Existing System: Different design and format
Purpose: Customer-specific design
Enhanced System:
- Customer specific design and contents
- Existing Data: If key turned on then all data will display the certificate as per the customer specific design
- Impact: Send Certificate Email
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Sessions Name Field So That Sessions with Same Name can be Created Multiple Times
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: NAAllowSameNameSessionDetail, value: Yes = allow duplicate names, No = will not allow duplicate names
- Private / Public: NAPrivate
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Session Name field in Session Detail of My Training and Schedule Training are currently not allowing any duplicate entries
Purpose: Specific customers are using same session name in different location
Enhanced System:
- Allows user to enter the same Session Name for different location for Session Details in My Training and Schedule Training
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
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Count Not Consistent with Session List
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- The count is training progress summary shows count of both active and inactive records .records
- On clicking the count user gets navigated to Session list List where it shows only the list of active records
- Training Progress Report Excel and All Course Count count was mismatchmismatched
Purpose: Design flaw
Enhanced System:
- Active records to appear
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Option Employee in Session Details
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User unable to select/assign all employees at a time from the pick list while creating a Training Session
- On selecting it shows page unresponsive message
Purpose: As this doesnt doesn't use common employee picklist, it becomes a time Consuming consuming and tedious task and keep keeps showing page unresponsive error due to huge data processing time
Enhanced System:
- New option "All Current Location Employee" in the Assigned To Drop drop down .menu
- On selecting this option, All Employee Employees for that Location to get are selected from backend
- User can uncheck the values for "All Current Location Employee" by changing the drop down value to "Employee"
- Product Level Change
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Times if Delivery Method is Classroom or Instructor is
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: HideTrainingFormAndToTime, Value: Yes = Hide in following impacted screens, No = Show in following impacted screens
- Private Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- If delivery method is Classroom or Instructor field is blank blank, Training Form and To date is visible
- If delivery method is Classroom or Instructor field is blank ,Training Form and To date is hidden
- Impact - Application - Session Details in My Training & and Schedule Training Training, Notification: Session Created
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System:
- Following fields relabelled in Session Detail
- Relabel Field "Retraining Cycle" to "Recertification Cycle"
- Relabel Field "Training Expiry Date" to "Certification Expiry Date"
- Field relabelled in Course Detail
- Rename "Is retraining required for this course?" to "Is recertification required for this course?"
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Certification Expiry Date (earlier Training Expiry Date) was a read-only field
- It used to autopopulate the value by calculating the time duration set in retraining cycle and compare between the training start date/end date/completion date (by configuration)
Enhanced System :
- Certification Expiry Expiry Date will autopopulate values as existing system but now will be also Editable.
- System will validate that Certification Expiry Date is greater than than Start date Date/End Date/Completion date Date Retraining cycle Cycle
- Certification Expiry Expiry Date is removed from Default View from Session List
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Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: HideCostSection ,HideCostSection
Yes = will hide Cost section Section in impacted areas
No = will display
- Private Public: Private
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- Show/hide Cost section Section
- Applicable to Schedule Training, Course and My Training