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New Features
DAP-6890 - Ability to define any form control as unique for data validation
DAP-7965 - A framework to integrate an API so that provides the ability to configure complex business rules can be configured
DAP-5813 - Enhance Set Actions - To be able Ability to set an empty value to control.
DAP-6402 - Configuration to set the number of decimal values to be displayed for a numeric control
DAP-7611 - Ability to set a specific time in the formula builder
DAP-6891 - Ability to configure dependency between a single and a multi-selection control
DAP-7851 - Audit Log and AccountabilityActivity Log - Track every activity performed by the user in app builder.
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Existing System: Currently, we don’t have any data validation rule for supporting uniqueness. We have this feature only from the data import screen.
Supported on Mobile: Yes.
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complex business rules can be configured
Existing System: Currently, we can’t have any custom API integration in app.
Enhanced System:
An API with a custom logic can be integrated to into an app.
System The system would be able to pull data from an API and set a value to a control based on the API response.
The configuration of this feature for an app can be done only from the backend.
Currently, this feature is supported only on the web. In the future, we can support this on mobile online mode.
Supported on Mobile: No.
Example 1: Ability to check the status of all action items created for a MOC request and only if all are closed , only then the final status can be updatedchanged.
Example 2: Room Availability API where it pulls booked rooms data and helps admin to approve or reject a request.
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Ability to set an empty value to control
Existing System: Currently, we don't have a configuration to set a control's value to blank.
User would be able to assign an empty value to a control based on a condition and existing data will be overwritten with empty.
Configuration can be done by using the actions screen → set action.
This is most relevant in a workflow-based app where the use case is to reset all the approvals when the workflow is changed from approved to rejected'Approved' to ‘On-Hold’ or ‘Pending’.
Impacts on existing forms: None.
The example below shows how to configure a blank value to a textbox, dropdown, textbox, and a formula-based and signature control.
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Existing System: Currently, system is printing all the decimal digits in all the reports, notifications.
Impacts on existing forms: NoNone, the round-off digits configuration would be blank.
Supported on Mobile: Yes.
The example below shows how to set Round off Digits as 2 to the “Initial Exposure Score” control.
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Existing System: Currently, we are unable to set a time (Eg: 10:30 Pm) to time control in the formula builder.
The example below shows how to set time = 5:30 Pm to the “Time of Request” control.
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Existing System: Currently, we can’t configure a dependency for any multiple selection control.
Enhanced System: In the enhanced system, the user would be able to
configure Configure a dependency between an employee dropdown (Multi-Select) and a supervisor dropdown (Single-Select).
Based on the supervisor selected, only those employees who report to him would appear in the dropdown and the user can select multiple employees.
All Multiple selection controls have this option to establish dependency.
Supported on Mobile: Yes.
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Existing System: Currently, we don’t have a feature to copy an action.