23.1 App Builder Release Notes

23.1 App Builder Release Notes

New and Improved Features

New Features




  • DAP-7851 - Activity Log - Track every activity performed by the user in app builder.


DAP-6890 - Ability to define any form control as unique for data validation

Existing System: Currently, we don’t have any data validation rule for supporting uniqueness. We have this feature only from the data import screen.

Purpose: To improve usability and data validation capabilities.

Enhanced System: With this upgrade, the user would be able to: 

  • Define a field or a set of fields as unique. (Max of 5 fields per form).

  • This property is available for all fields except for multi-select controls.

  • As the system needs to evaluate the uniqueness check on every record save, this app will not be available in offline mode.

  • Additional filter configurations can be applied in form properties section - (for example, to define the date range or the status of transaction records for the unique criteria evaluation)

Impacts on existing forms: No

Supported on Mobile: Yes.

 DAP-7965 - A framework to integrate an API so that complex business rules can be configured

Existing System: Currently, we can’t have any custom API integration in app. 

Purpose: To be able to meet the diversified business needs of each app. 

Enhanced System: 

  • An API with custom logic can be integrated into an app.

  • The system would be able to pull data from an API and set a value to a control based on the API response.

  • The configuration of this feature for an app can be done only from the backend.

  • Currently, this feature is supported only on the web. In the future, we can support this on mobile online mode.

Impacts on existing forms: No impact. 

Supported on Mobile: No.

Example: Ability to check the status of all action items created for a MOC request and only if all are closed only then the status can be changed.

 DAP-5813 - Enhance Set Actions - Ability to set an empty value to control

Existing System: Currently, we don't have a configuration to set a control's value to blank. 

Purpose: To be able to reset a few control for enhanced use of the system. 

Enhanced System:

  • User would be able to assign an empty value to a control based on a condition and existing data will be overwritten with empty.

  • Configuration can be done by using the actions screen → set action. 

  • This is most relevant in a workflow-based app where the use case is to reset all the approvals when the workflow is changed from 'Approved' to ‘On-Hold’ or ‘Pending’.

Impacts on existing forms: None. 

Supported on Mobile: Yes. 

The example below shows how to configure a blank value to a textbox, dropdown, and signature control.


DAP-6402 - Configuration to set the number of decimal values to be displayed for a numeric control

Existing System: Currently, system is printing all the decimal digits in all the reports, notifications.

Purpose: To be able to round off digits for numeric controls 

Enhanced System:

  • User would be able to get this additional configuration only when the numeric control is defined as "Decimal".

  • When a user is entering data, post save the system would round off the number to a preset number of digits. 

  • The same is the case when a formula is getting evaluated, the system would be able to round off the resultant value. 

  • Reports and Notifications will be printing the value as per the round-off configuration.

Impacts on existing forms: None, the round-off digits configuration would be blank.

Supported on Mobile: Yes. 

The example below shows how to set Round off Digits as 2 to the “Initial Exposure Score” control.


DAP-7611 - Ability to set a specific time in the formula builder

Existing System: Currently, we are unable to set a time (Eg: 10:30 Pm) to time control in the formula builder.

Purpose: To enhance the formula builder for time controls. 

Enhanced System: The user would be able to:

  • Configure a default value where he can assign a static time to a time control.

  • This configuration is even available in set actions as well.

Impacts on existing forms: No impact.

Supported on Mobile: Yes.

The example below shows how to set time = 5:30 Pm to the “Time of Request” control.

DAP-6891 - Ability to configure dependency between a single and a multi-selection control

Existing System: Currently, we can’t configure a dependency for any multiple selection control.

Purpose: To establish dependency between Single-Selection control (as a parent) and Multple-Selection Control(as a child). 

Enhanced System: In the enhanced system, the user would be able to   

  • Configure a dependency between an employee dropdown (Multi-Select) and a supervisor dropdown (Single-Select).

  • Based on the supervisor selected, only those employees who report to him would appear in the dropdown and the user can select multiple employees.

  • All Multiple selection controls have this option to establish dependency. 

Impacts on existing forms: None.  

Supported on Mobile: Yes. 


DAP-131 - Introduce a copy feature in actions

Existing System: Currently, we don’t have a feature to copy an action. 

Purpose: To improve usability.  

Enhanced System: 

  • The user would be able to select a particular action and copy it.

  • The system would create a duplicate of the selected action and later user would be able to modify it as per the needs and re-save.

  • The sequence of the newly created action would be right after the original action.

Impacts on existing forms: None.  

Supported on Mobile: NA. 

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