Anchor | ||||
- PMP-46952 - Provision to carry over all audit related information to all occurrences of a recurring audit
- PMP-57675 - Provision of associating corporate audit questions to site protocols
- PMP-56123 - Provision of changes to the audit basic set up
- PMP-57621 - Provide ability to view department wise audit questionnaire completion in summary
- PMP-55107 - Implementation of Common CAPA Change Status Permission
- PMP-57634 - Enable the import tool for Audit Program Type Lookup
PMP-47043 - Provision to assign default value (Yes/No) for attorney client privilege
- PMP-56571 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Departments with most findings.
- PMP-56570 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Categories with most findings
- PMP-56569 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Areas with most findings
- PMP-56565 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings count by due date
- PMP-56564 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings Status by Finding type
- PMP-56562 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings On time closure rate
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Currently, only the program details data is carried over to the recurring audit.
- To reduce the time of audit setup.
Enhanced System:
Once a recurring audit is setup, then the following information will also be carried over to all instances.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently, for site protocols, user would be able to associate only site questions.
- To enhance the system to provide more flexibility.
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to associate corporate audit questions to site protocols.
- The question list would show both Corporate and Site Questions.
- Question type would also be shown as column so that user can distinguish corporate and site questions.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we have the below fields for basic setup.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, there is no identifier to denote the status of audit.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have a permission for changing CAPA status.
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have import option for Audit Program Type.
Impacts: None.
Anchor | ||||
- Title: EnableAttorneyClientPrivilegedAuditsNA
- Public / Private: PrivateNA
- Default: NoNA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have configuration to assign a any default value assigned to attorney client privilege field.
- To improve usability.
Enhanced System:
- In Enhanced System, a configuration default value is introduced to set the default value as "No" for field attorney client privilege.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56571 - Introduce
widget for displaying Top 10 Departments with most findings
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have a link to navigate to external ENHESA & STP websites.this widget available.
- To improve usabilitylet user know about the departments where most findings are reported.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
Impacts: None.
- Display Top 10 active Audit departments by Finding Count.
- On click, user would navigate to filtered finding list screen.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56570 -
Introduce widget for displaying Top 10
Audit Categories with most findings
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let user know about the departments audit categories where most findings are reported.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display Top 10 active Audit departments
- Categories by Finding Count.
- On click
- Click, user would navigate to filtered finding
- findings list screen.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56569 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit
Areas with most findings
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let know user know about the audit categories where most findings are reportedareas which needs attention.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display Top
- top 10 active Audit Categories
- Areas by Finding Count.
- On Click
- clicking, user would navigate
- be navigated to filtered findings list screen.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56565 - Introduce widget for displaying
Findings count by due date
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let know user about the audit areas which needs attentionprovide a summary of findings which needs to be addressed on priority.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display top 10 active Audit Areas by Finding Count.
- On clicking, user would be navigated to filtered findings list screen.
Impacts:widget displays all the open findings which are
- Overdue 0-30 days
- Overdue 31-60 days
- Overdue 61-90 days
- Overdue more than 90 days
- Due in 0-30 days
- Due in 31-60 days
- Due in 61-90 days
- Due in more than 90 days
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56564 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings
Status by
Finding type
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To provide a quick summary on status of findings which needs to be addressed on priorityall findings by type.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, widget displays all the open findings which are
- Overdue 0-30 days
- Overdue 31-60 days
- Overdue 61-90 days
- Overdue more than 90 days
- Due in 0-30 days
- Due in 31-60 days
- Due in 61-90 days
- Due in more than 90 days
the widget would
- Display the count of all open, overdue and closed findings for the location by Finding Type
- On clicking the user would be navigating to the manage findings list filtered with the finding type and the status.
- All active Finding Types for all audit program types will be displayed.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
56562 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings
On time closure rate
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To provide quick summary on status help users identify how effective is the closure rate of all audit findings by type.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, the widget would
- Display the count of all open, overdue and closed findings for the location by Finding Typepercentage of On Time Closure Rate based on finding due date.
- On clicking the number on the widget, user would be navigating navigated to the manage findings finding list filtered with the finding type and the status. All active Finding Types for all audit program types will be displayed.screen filtered for selected time period.
Impacts: None.
Anchor |
-56122 - Introduce a quick link on the home page for navigating to ENHESA and STP website
Yes, through backend DB scripts.
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To help users identify how effective is the closure rate of all audit findings.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display percentage of On Time Closure Rate based on finding due date.
- On clicking the number on the widget, user would be navigated to finding list screen filtered for selected time period. NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have a link to navigate to external ENHESA & STP websites.
- To improve usability.
Enhanced System:
- In Enhanced System, we would have links to external websites Enhesa and STP.
- These links would be enabled only if a customer has Enhesa/STP integration turned on.
- Enhesa Link:
- STP Link:
Impacts: None.