19.1 Audit Management Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level change
- PMP-46952 - Provision to carry over all audit related information to all occurrences of a recurring audit
- PMP-57675 - Provision of associating corporate audit questions to site protocols
- PMP-56123 - Provision of changes to the audit basic set up
- PMP-57621 - Provide ability to view department wise audit questionnaire completion in summary
- PMP-55107 - Implementation of Common CAPA Change Status Permission
- PMP-57634 - Enable the import tool for Audit Program Type Lookup
PMP-47043 - Provision to assign default value (Yes/No) for attorney client privilege
- PMP-56571 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Departments with most findings.
- PMP-56570 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Categories with most findings
- PMP-56569 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Areas with most findings
- PMP-56565 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings count by due date
- PMP-56564 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings Status by Finding type
- PMP-56562 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings On time closure rate
PMP-46952 - Provision to carry over all audit related information to all occurrences of a recurring audit
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Currently, only the program details data is carried over to the recurring audit.
- To reduce the time of audit setup.
Enhanced System:
Once a recurring audit is setup, then the following information will also be carried over to all instances.
- Program Details
- Program Status
- Auditors/Team members
- Notifications
- Attachments.
Impacts: None.
PMP-57675 - Provision of associating corporate audit questions to site protocols
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently, for site protocols, user would be able to associate only site questions.
- To enhance the system to provide more flexibility.
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to associate corporate audit questions to site protocols.
- The question list would show both Corporate and Site Questions.
- Question type would also be shown as column so that user can distinguish corporate and site questions.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56123 - Changes to the audit basic set up
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we have the below fields for basic setup.
- To be consistent with the mobile audit basic setup.
Enhanced System:
- Here are the few changes in the basic setup.
Impacts: None.
PMP-57621 - Provide ability to view department wise audit questionnaire completion in summary
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, there is no identifier to denote the status of audit.
- To improve the usability.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, user would be able to view an icon which denotes the status of the audit.
For Departmental Audits:
For Corporate Audits- Multi Location:
Impacts: None.
PMP-55107 - Implementation of Common CAPA Change Status Permission
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have a permission for changing CAPA status.
- To have consistency across the application.
Enhanced System:
- In Enhanced System, change CAPA permission is introduced.
Impacts: None.
PMP-57634 - Enable the import tool for Audit Program Type Lookup
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have import option for Audit Program Type.
- To improve usability.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, Import button is enabled for Audit Program Type lookup.
Impacts: None.
PMP-47043 - Provision to assign default value (Yes/No) for attorney client privilege
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have any default value assigned to attorney client privilege field.
- To improve usability.
Enhanced System:
- In Enhanced System, default value is set as "No" for field attorney client privilege.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56571 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Departments with most findings
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let user know about the departments where most findings are reported.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display Top 10 active Audit departments by Finding Count.
- On click, user would navigate to filtered finding list screen.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56570 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Categories with most findings
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let user know about the audit categories where most findings are reported.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display Top 10 active Audit Categories by Finding Count.
- On Click, user would navigate to filtered findings list screen.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56569 - Introduce widget for displaying Top 10 Audit Areas with most findings
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To let know user about the audit areas which needs attention.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display top 10 active Audit Areas by Finding Count.
- On clicking, user would be navigated to filtered findings list screen.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56565 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings count by due date
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To provide a summary of findings which needs to be addressed on priority.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, widget displays all the open findings which are
- Overdue 0-30 days
- Overdue 31-60 days
- Overdue 61-90 days
- Overdue more than 90 days
- Due in 0-30 days
- Due in 31-60 days
- Due in 61-90 days
- Due in more than 90 days
Impacts: None.
PMP-56564 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings Status by Finding type
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To provide quick summary on status of all findings by type.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System, the widget would
- Display the count of all open, overdue and closed findings for the location by Finding Type
- On clicking the user would be navigating to the manage findings list filtered with the finding type and the status.
- All active Finding Types for all audit program types will be displayed.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56562 - Introduce widget for displaying Findings On time closure rate
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have this widget available.
- To help users identify how effective is the closure rate of all audit findings.
Enhanced System:
In Enhanced System,
- Display percentage of On Time Closure Rate based on finding due date.
- On clicking the number on the widget, user would be navigated to finding list screen filtered for selected time period.
Impacts: None.
PMP-56122 - Introduce a quick link on the home page for navigating to ENHESA and STP website
Configurable: Yes, through backend DB scripts.
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In existing system, we don't have a link to navigate to external ENHESA & STP websites.
- To improve usability.
Enhanced System:
- In Enhanced System, we would have links to external websites Enhesa and STP.
- These links would be enabled only if a customer has Enhesa/STP integration turned on.
- Enhesa Link: https://www.ehsmonitor.com/login.aspx
- STP Link: http://stponline.stpub.com/
Impacts: None.
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