New and Improved Features
- PMP-56060 Sample Import Chemical template to have associate blank sample field
- PMP-56278 IH Report Send Mail Changes
- PMP-38304 IH Summary Report is Multilingual
- PMP-54624 To have Contractor Option for Direct Read Instrument
- PMP- 56430 Chemicals to be copied during Copy Assessment
- PMP-56527 Chemical associated with the SEG to be pulled in QEA details
- PMP-56427 Push the temperature and environmental condition from Sample to COC
- PMP-51113 Change of sample status from "sent to lab " to "not sent to lab" on COC deletion
- PMP-56526 Create new permission to view IH Module Dashboard
- PMP-56325 Duration and Dispersion index to be mandatory /non mandatory configurationaly
- PMP-56302 Assessment description summary to be mandatory / non mandatory configurationally
- PMP-56337 Show / Hide SEG for QEA Details and Sample Details configurationally
- PMP-56279 QEA to have duration and OEL information
- PMP-56431 Heirarchy of Controls in CAPA for IH Module
- PMP-56244 Addittional Commentary text box in IH Report Send Mail
- PMP-56433 Show / Hide Import Sample Plan Record
- PMP-58547 IH Report Send Mail changes
- PMP-56764 Show / hide SEG configurationally List screens , RC,Sample Plan Record , Set up
- PMP-53891 Add new comment field in Sample Detail of 2000 character
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Associate Blank Sample field will be available
Existing System:
- User not able to include associate blank sample through Sample import Chemical
- New column Associated Blank IH Log Number added to the sample import chemical
- Field type -drop down
- It will fetch the blank sample IH Log Number created in Current year and of selected location
- After the Sample is uploaded its blank sample's IH log Number would appear in the Associate Blank Sample field of Sample Activity for that Sample
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impacts:Sample Activity ,Blank Sample Detail ,Manage Sample Listing
- Reports:No
- Notification: No
- :
- No
Sample Import
Sample Activity
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Enable multiple actives in listing page
Existing System:
- If any of the option in Employee / Supervisor Communication is checked ,then system is not sending email if "To" field is blank
- In IH Report Email if below check boxes are selected, then system to send email without any alert message even if "To" field is blank
- Send to employee
- Send to employee supervisor
- Applicable for all physical and chemical samples
- If employee is not mandatory in Sample Detail and user has not entered any employee or supervisor ,it should show the same validation message if To field is blank and Send to employee and supervisor is selected
- Existing Data - No Change
Impacts: No Impact
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Configurable: NA, Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: IH Summary Report is Multilingual
- Support multilingual
- IH Summary Report is Multilingual
- Existing Data: No Change
Impacts: No Impact
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Contractor option to appear in direct read instrument Equipment owned by
Existing System:
- For direct read instrument "Equipment owned by" , Contractor option is not available
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- For Direct Read Instrument Contractor option to appear in application similar to Air Monitoring
- On selecting Contractor , a comment section to appear in Sample Equipment Information in Application
- Contractor option would also appear in Sample Import Utility for Diread Read Instrument . Similar to Air monitoring if Direct Monitoring Equipment ID is not selected ,then on uploading it will select contractor option in application
Impacts: Sample import utility ,Cognos
Sample Import -Direct Read Instrument
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Copy assessments would copy chemicals and controls
Existing System: Qualitative Exposure Assessment, when we copy an Assessment, the Chemicals don’t copy to the copied assessment neither the controls .Only the Assessment details get copied
Purpose: Gap
Enhanced System:
- Copy assessments would copy chemicals and controls
- Applicable for all stressors: physical ,chemical,ergonomics
- Following Stressor values to be copied:Associated Stressor ,Hazard rating,Exposure index ,Frequency indexTask duration ranking,Dispersion
- Following Control information to also get copied: Was employee using correct PPE, PPE ,Admin and Engineering controls and comments for all should also get copied in control details
Existing Data: No change
Impact: Associate Stressor Listing, Control information in QRA Dashboard
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: For QRA , SEG to pull associated chemical / physical hazard information and display under stressor list
Existing System:
SEG associated chemical and physical do not get pulled to the QRA associated stressor
- For Qualitative Risk Assessment on selecting the SEG it would pull the associated hazard (both chemical and physical ) and display in associated Stressor list section .
- It should display Stressor Name ,Hazard Type and Health Effect Rating
- Existing Data: During edit if we add SEG when it already has chemicals ,then this will appear as an addition to the existing chemical
- Impact:Associated Stressor List ,Associated stressor details ,QRA Report , Cognos
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Configurable: Yes,Product Level Change
- Title: DefaultIncludeDetailsInCOC
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Environment conditions to be pushed to COC
Existing System:
Temperature and Pressure from the Environmental Conditions are not entered in COC
Purpose: Send complete information to Lab for correct analysis
Enhanced System:
- New field added "Include details in Chain of Custody" with values yes /no in form of radio button
- Marking this field yes will push the temperature ,wind speed ,barometric pressure along with units to the COC PDF and on selection of No ,these fields wont appear in COC PDF
- New units added to temperature ,wind speed ,barometric pressure
- Temperature: C and F .Default on page load C
- Wind Speed: Ft/Sec, Ft/Min, M/Sec, M/Min, Km/Sec, Km/min .Default on page load Ft/Sec
- Barometric Pressure: mm Hg, kPa, mPa .Default on page load mm Hg
- Existing Data:
- Units for Temperature- F , Wind Speed- Ft/sec, Barometric Pressure - mmHg
- Include details in Chain of Custody" with values yes /no will be marked as no
- Impact: Sample Dashboard ,COC PDF ,IH Query Report ,Cognos
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Auto-change associated sample status from "Sent to Lab " to "Not Sent to Lab" during COC file deletion
Existing System:
- As per current system implementation COC deletion doesn't have any dependency in the Sample status .
- So on deleting the COC Sample status still remains Sent to Lab and doesn't appear while searching sample selection pick list while creating new COC
- Samples can only be included in a New COC ,when their status is Not Sent to Lab
Purpose: If a COC is deleted without being processed ,which means Sample is not sent to lab shows sent to lab which is a glitch in the existing system
Enhanced System:
- If a unprocessed COC file is deleted in system then Sample status would auto-change from Sent to Lab to Not Sent to Lab
- A Processed COC or a manually edited sample whose status has changed to result recieved , if deleted the status would not change .It would remain as Result Received
- Existing Data: Samples status would change as Not Sent to Lab if COC file is deleted
- Impact: NA
COC to which Samples were associated was deleted , status changed from Sent to Lab to Not Sent to Lab
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: IH module dashboard permission to be selected by default
Existing System: No permission to manage dashboard in IH Module
Impact: Module > IH > Legacy Dashboard link (both Navigational and Top Menu) ,Quick Link
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: IsDurationIndexMandatory ,IsDispersionIndexMandatory
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Both the fields will be non mandatory
Existing System: Duration and dispersion index for a stressor are non mandatory in the system
Enhanced System:Make this field configurable and this would be Public ,customer can configure this mandatory/non mandatory
Existing Data: No Change
Impact: NA
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: IsAssessmentDescriptionsummaryApplicableandMandatory
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Assessment description will be non mandatory
Existing System: Assessment Description /Summary is non mandatory
Enhanced System: QEA Assessment Description/Summary field to be made Mandatory/non mandatory configurationaly
Existing Data: No Change
Impact: NA
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Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Show SEG
Existing System: SEG field is available in Sample ,QRA ,Sample plan record and sample in create pages ,list pages ,reports and action item
Enhanced System: Show / hide SEG in add /edit pages of Qualitative Risk Assessment ,Sample Plan Record and Sample
PMP-56279 QEA to have duration and OEL information Anchor PMP-56279 PMP-56279
Configurable: Customer specific
- Title: HideAutopopulateOELInAssociatedStressor
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Will show the OEL values ,measures and sources in associated stressor ,when QEA duration type is Select,TWA ,STEL ,Ceiling ,Excursion,Surface wipe,Other,bulk samples,Qualitative wipe samples,Continuous Operating pump
Existing System:OEL limits are displayed for a chemical during Sampling only. Also QEA doesnt record the duration
Purpose:Need to display the established limit for the chemical to factor it into the assessment process.
- Duration Type field to be added below group size (applicable at product level)
- This field will be a drop down
- Field values: Select,TWA ,STEL ,Ceiling ,Excursion,Surface wipe,Other,bulk samples,Qualitative wipe samples,Continuous Operating pump
- Associated stressor details to Show OEL value ,unit of measure and OEL source of a chemical chemical (configurable)
- These values will be pulled from Group chemical library of chemical module
- Applicable for chemical stressor only
- Would appear in Associated stressor Listing
Existing Data: Duration will remain blank
Impact: QEA Dashboard ,Copy Assessment ,QRA Report , Cognos
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Configurable:Customer Specific
- Title: IsHeirarchyofControlApplicable
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Heirarchy of control fields will not appear
Existing System: No field to captures the controls used for action items
Purpose: Identify the controls measures taken for action items which would help keep track and graph out which one of the hierarchy was selected for Global KPI’s.
Enhanced System:
- In action item for both correctative and preventative action item type a new field as "Heirarchy of Controls to be added "
- This field will be a drop down
- Heirarchy of control field would fetch the values from existing look up: Countermeasure under task and calendar > module set up
- Look up name to be also changed here as Heirarchy of controls
- Heirarchy of control to appear in Action item list next to Action Item title
Impact: Sample , QRA,Action Item List ,Task and Calendar > Countermeasure , Cognos
Action Item: For Specific customer it would appear as Heirarchy of Controls and for other it would appear as Counter Measure
Cognos: Heirarchy of Controls
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title:ShowAdditionalCommentary
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Enable multiple actives in listing page
Existing System: System didn't allowed to enter any additional text to the IH report Email .The email description was fixed
Purpose: Customer was not able to enter the additional information
Enhanced System: Additional text box "Additional Commentary" added to the IH Report Send email body .Max size -2000 characters
Impact: Employee IH Summary Report Notification
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: HideImportSamplePlanRecord
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Show Import Sample Plan Record button
Existing System: Import Sample Plan Record button is always visible in the system
Enhanced System: Import Sample Plan Record button will show / hide configurationally
Existing Data: No Change
Impact: Quick Links
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: DefaultCheckIHSampleSummaryReport
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Will default check the IH Summary Report
Existing System: In IH Report Send Mail, both IH Summary and Employee Notification letter are default checked to be included in IH Report email
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Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: HideGenralCommentsInSampleDetail
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Enable multiple actives in listing page
Existing System:
- No Comments field in sample detail page
- Specific customer initial record with different provider had general comments in Sample Details. To align ProcessMAP system with their previous system ,they want to add a General comment field in Sample detail below duration type