New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-81223 - Notification if a Session /Course /Employee gets deleted or inactivated
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
On Session deletion /inactivation, System doesn't prompt the user to send notification to enrolled employee, instructors.
- Incase user creates session and sends notification by mistake and wants to delete or inactivate it, he has no way to inform the users.
Enhanced System:
- On Removal of Course / Employee / Delete Session the notification will be triggered to the employees whose outcome will be in open / incomplete / overdue / Did not attended.
- Removal of course from Session Detail screen :-
- When user remove a course from an existing session a prompt "Do you want to notify employees that the course is Removed?" will pop up and on on selection of Ok the notification will send to the respective Employee, Instructors.
- Session Inactivate from Session Detail screen :-
- When user change the status of a session from active to inactive a prompt "Do you want to notify employees that the session is inactivated?" will pop up and on selection of Ok the notification will send to the respective Employee, Instructors.
- Remove employee from existing session:-
When remove an employee from existing session a warning message "If you have de-selected the existing employees from the session, then the related records will also be removed. Do you wish to continue?" will show before updating the session.
- If select Ok all selected employees will be assigned and notification will be sent to the removed employees only.
- Session Delete from Manage Session List Screen / Session List Screen / My Training screen :-
- When user delete a session from Manage session list screen a prompt "Do you want to notify employees that the session is inactivated?" will pop up and on selection of Ok the notification will send to the respective Employee, Instructors.
Impacts: Notification
PMP-81340 - Additional Field and values on outcome screen
Configurable: Yes
- Title: EnableTrainedCertified
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- In Current system we do not have any field to mention the efficiency of the employee in term of Trained, Certified, Trained & Certified.
Enhanced System:
- We will have a new field Trained / Certified which will have the values Trained, Certified, Trained & Certified when Outcome selected as Complete.
- The Selected value will be available in the certificate as well.
- Trained / Certified column will be available in Import utility.
Impacts: BI, Mobile(Will plan in future version)