Note: All Due Dates are the Build Date. Those stories will be released to production when respective build is released. All user stories which has due date as 16th Aug will be available in Production on the date.
21.2 Micro-Release items list
21.2 Micro-Release items by Module
21.2 Apps Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
- DAP-5693 Apply default list settings when user clicks "Save As" AppBuilder
- DAP-5563 Web - Tree View Control changes for Inactive parent nodes
- DAP-5702 - For Data Import Notification, "Imported Date" field will be printed in local timezone
DAP-5693 Apply default list settings when user clicks "Save As" AppBuilder
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when user creates a copy of default view, option Share with Global Users is defaulted to "Yes.
Purpose: To ensure that user unknowingly shouldn't share his view to all global users.
Enhanced System: When user clicks on "Save As" from a default view,
- It would create a new view with - Default = No, Share with Global Users=No and View=List.
- User can update these by editing his view later.
Supporting Platforms: Web.
Impacts: No impact to existing forms.
DAP-5563 Web - Tree View Control changes for Inactive parent nodes
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when parent is inactive, we don't show the parent-child relation. We show it as a flat list.
Purpose: To ensure that user should be able to see the complete tree irrespective of status.
Enhanced System: User would be able to
- View the parent nodes even though they are in inactive state.
- These values will be disabled and user can't select them as options. These are view-only.
- If there is no child to any inactive value, then it wouldn't show up in the list.
Supporting Platforms: Web and iOS. (Coming up for Andriod).
Impacts: No impact to existing forms.
DAP-5702 - For Data Import Notification, "Imported Date" field will be printed in local time zone
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when user gets a notification, the Imported Date is getting printed in UTC.
Purpose: To improve usability and avoid any confusion.
Enhanced System: User would see the Imported Date in local time zone instead of UTC.
Supporting Platforms: Web. NA for Mobile.
Impacts: No impact to existing forms.
21.2 Activity Management Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
PMP-78108 As an end user I would like to put a URL link in the "Reference/Citation" field
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- The current reference & citation field doesn't allow to put a hyperlink
- To provide options to put hyperlinks for another reference website
Enhanced System:
- Allow putting hyperlinks in the reference & citation field.
Impact: None
21.2 IMS Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
- PMP-79517 As an End User, I want to navigate To Incident List Screen when I clicked on Body Part Group in the Widget
- PMP-4436 As an end user would like to view Severity fields in SOA grid column selection
- PMP-73385 As an end user I want to see Country Recordable question irrespective of case classification
- PMP-81205 Rephrase Root cause and Root cause Category for better understanding
- PMP-78790 As a system admin I want claim fields in FROI to be filled for every Injury/Illness Incident being reported
- PMP-61668 As an end user I need ability to identify RCA completion date
- PMP-79633 As an end user I want to capture date when an Incident was determined as OSHA Recordable
- PMP-79401 As an End User I want to make Describe the reason for the "Not Recordable" classification in Case Classification as mandatory
- MP-7446 As an end user I want to track the activity employee was doing out side of employer premises
PMP-79517 As an End User, I want to navigate To Incident List Screen when I clicked on Body Part Group in the Widget
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- As of now the Body Part widget does not have any navigation.
- Ability to drill down to see list of Incidents
Enhanced System:
- The widget has navigation. On click system will navigate to Manage Incident List screen
Impact: None
PMP-4436 As an end user would like to view Severity fields in SOA grid column selection
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- As of now few Incident Severity fields were not added as columns in Manage Incident List screen
- Provide option to create view based on Severity
Enhanced System:
- Below fields are added as column selection in Manage Incident list screen
- Severity (Near Miss and Environmental Incidents)
Significance Level
Is this a serious Incident or has Potential to be Serious?
If this injury had occurred in a slightly different matter, could it have caused a serious injury or fatality?
Impact: None
PMP-73385 As an end user I want to see Country Recordable question irrespective of case classification
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- As of now "Is this Case Recordable According to Local Recordkeeping Requirements?" field is dependent on an OSHA recordable case classification
- Enable Non US locations to mark an Incident as recordable as per Local recordkeeping
Enhanced System:
- "Is this Case Recordable According to Local Recordkeeping Requirements?" field will be visible by default irrespective of Case Classification for Non US locations
Impact: None
PMP-81205 Rephrase Root cause and Root cause Category for better understanding
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- As of now 5 Whys which are marked as Root Cause are displayed in the Root Cause column of Root Cause Analysis section
- Actual Root Cause values are displayed under Root Cause Category
- However users are not able related that data in Root Cause column is coming from 5 Why section
- For ease of understanding and easy to understand the source of data
Enhanced System:
- Existing columns in Root Cause Analysis section will be rephrased as below
Root Cause as “5 Why Root Cause”
Root Cause Category as “Root Cause”
Impact: Mobile, Reports, Cognos
PMP-78790 As a system admin I want claim fields in FROI to be filled for every Injury/Illness Incident being reported
Configurable: Yes
- Title: FROI Claim Read-Only
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: No
Existing System:
- As of now the field can be made read only by defaulting the response to Yes for field "Would you like to submit a workers compensation claim?"
- Show claim sections by default so that users provide claim related information as well while filling the Incident Detail Report
Enhanced System:
- Administrator can decide to default the response for "Would you like to submit a workers compensation claim?" as Yes and make the field read-only
- The read-only custom setting will work only if the default response custom setting is set to Yes response
Impact: Mobile
PMP-61668 As an end user I need ability to identify RCA completion date
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Display Root Cause Completion Date
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: No
Existing System:
- As of now system does not have an option to capture actual Root Cause Analysis completion date
- There are cases when Root Cause Analysis was completed on an earlier date was entry in the system was made later. In this case users need the ability to record actual RCA completion date
Enhanced System:
- Has a new mandatory field "Root Cause Completion Date" which allows users to enter actual date of Root Cause Analysis completion
- The date selected in this field will be displayed as completion date in Incident Summary >> Investigation Section >> Final Root Cause Statement step, when this field is turned on
If the field is not turned off or turned on but does not have data, then the existing section completion date will be displayed
Impact: Reoprt, Cognos
PMP-79633 As an end user want to capture date when an Incident was determined as OSHA Recordable
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Display Date Determined as Recordable
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Does not have a field that clearly indicates a date when 1st recordable case was created for an Incident
- All reports and data points in the system are driven by Most Severe Case or Current Case dates
- There is a need to track the date when the 1st recordable case was created in the system
- This may be different than actual case start date in case it was entered at a later time in the system
Enhanced System:
- Has an optional read-only field "Date Determined as Recordable" in Classification of Case screen
- The field is placed after "Is This a Company defined Recordable Case?"
- The field will be visible if "Is This a Company defined Recordable Case?" is answered as Yes
- System will automatically populate it with the date when first recordable case was created in the system for an Incident
- This is not the case date but the case created date
Impact: Cognos
PMP-79401 As an End User I want to make Describe the reason for the "Not Recordable" classification in Case Classification as mandatory
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Make Not Recordable Reason Mandatory
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- As of now system does not enforce users to provide reason for classifying the Incident as "Not Recordable"
- Enforce users to provide reason
Enhanced System:
- The field "Describe the reason for the "Not Recordable" Classification" is made a mandatory field
- System displays an alert that Incident will not be counted as recordable
Impact: Feed
MP-7446 As an end user I want to track the activity employee was doing out side of employer premises
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Display Activity involved when outside premises
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: No
- Title: Make employer premises address fields optional
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: No
Existing System:
- As of now there is no way to capture information if the employee was on duty out side the employer premises when the incident occurred
- Also there is need to make Address related field optional because in some cases exact address is not known
- Align it with Web and provide ability to capture if incident occurred on duty or after work from Mobile Pro
Enhanced System:
- Has a new single select drop down field "What Activity Was The Employee Engaged In At The Time of Incident?"
- It is added in Report New Incident > General Detail section next to Employer Premises field for Injury/Illness Type only
The field will not have UI to manage the look-up. It will be backend only
Values will be 1. Work Related Activities, 2. Commute To or From Work, 3. Non Work Related Activities
The field will be dependent on "Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises" question when answered as No
- Address of Incident Location, City, Country, State/Province fields have one configuration to make them optional
Impact: None
21.2 LMS Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
- PMP-78607 Add Supervisor Column in Session List
- PMP-79922 : Session Name Navigation to Session details
- PMP-81222 :Quick Link to default session list view
- PMP-80618 : Load import as per view and filter
- PMP-76116 Training Effectiveness added in Session List SOA and in Import Template
- PMP-81711 :Training status to Inactive for Withdrawn employees
PMP-78607 Add Supervisor Column in Session List
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Show Supervisor column in Session list
Existing System:
- Does not show Employee Supervisor in Session List
- Incomplete information
Enhanced System:
- Supervisor Column would appear in Session List
- This will be a non mandatory column
Impact: Session Summary in Mobile
PMP-76116 Training Effectiveness added in Session List SOA and in Import Template
Configurable: Yes
- Title: EnableTrainingEffectiveness , Values = Yes / No .Yes = Field will be visible , No = Field will be hidden
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: No
Existing System:
- In 21.1 Training Effectiveness field was added in Session Details , Reports and Mobile
- But was not implemented in SOA and Import Template
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- Training Effectiveness will now appear in SOA and Import Template
Impact: Already taken up in 21.1 in Detail screen ,Reports ,BI and Mobile
PMP-79922 : Session Name Navigation to Session details
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as mentioned will be applicable
Existing System:
Session Name in Schedule Trainning have no hyperlink
- Schedule Training heading should change to Manage Session List
- Parent session page is uneditable
Enhanced System:
- Session Name would have hyperlink to parent session details in Schedule Training
- Click of Session Name will open the same Session Detail page which the user had created
- This will be the parent page
- Edit done here will be applicable to the child page
PMP-81222 (PMP-81840):Quick Link to default session list view
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as mentioned will be applicable
Existing System:
- Post 21.2 release new Manage Session List was added over the Schedule Training Session List with assignment counts hyperlinks
- On clicking the Assignment counts it redirected to Schedule Training Session List .
- To view the records other than the one that appeared for the counts , user need to change the defaut view and choose a different view
- This increased 2 more navigational setps for the user to view all location employee data in one single list
- Earlier user used to navigate through the quick link to Schedule Training Session List with default view
Enhanced System:
- New quick link in home page to Session List page "Session List with Default View"
PMP-80618 : Load import as per view and filter
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as mentioned will be applicable
Existing System:
- Import outcome downloaded all the session records irrespective of the filter
- Design Flaw
Enhanced System:
- Would now download as per the applied filter
PMP-81711 :Training status to Inactive for Withdrawn employees
Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title:
- IsOutcomeinactivewithemploymentstatuswithdrawn = Yes : Job will run daily and inactivate Outcome status for the withdrawn employee similar to inactive employee ,No : Only employee with inactive Outcome status will be inactivated
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
If employee turns inactive , then session inactive job that runs daily and inactivates the session records
- Withdrawn employee are still treated as active and the associated session records are not made inactive
Enhanced System:
- If employee status change to withdrawn, then the same job runs daily would also inactivate the session
21.2 Chemical Micro-Release Items
PMP-9159 Product Type in Request detail made mandatory / non mandatory configurable
Configurable: Yes
- Title: CHEM_CustomMandatoryFields ,Value - Product Type
- Public/Private: NA
Existing System:
- Product Type Field in Chemical Request is non mandatory
- Customer specific usage
Enhanced System:
- Product Type Field in Chemical Request will be mandatory / non mandatory configurable
Impact: NA
IH Micro-Release Items
PMP-80466 IH Summary include mixture results
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Limited information on mixture results in IH Summary
Purpose :
- Limited information
Enhanced System :
- Mixture result in IH Summary Report to have a section named as Mixture result summary
If Display mixture result is Yes , then show the following . - Display Mixture Result ?
Mixture Result Value
Mixture Result Classification - If No , then just show the first row and leave the addition row blank
PMP-81342 Custom Blank Sample Documents
- Title: IsCustomizeBlankSampleForm , Yes = New Format , No = existing format
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Existing Blank Sample form used across the product
Purpose: custom form as required by customer
Enhanced System:
- New RC Report for IH: Sample Approved Notification
- Refer to the snapshot below for filter and report columns
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-80942 Add column “AIHA Category
Configurable: Yes
- Title: ShowAIHACategory ,Yes = Show No = Hide
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Only Sample results and result categories displayed in Sample List and sample Result in dashboard summary
Purpose: additional information on AIHA Result Comparision Category
Enhanced System:
- Show additional column in Sample Result Dashboard Summary and Sample List as AIHA Category having following information display for each result category
Class I - >100% of TLV
Class II - Between 50% - 100 % of TLV
Class III - Between 10% - 50 % of TLV
Class IV - < 10% of TLV
Non Detectable -Non Detectable
- Existing Data: will display the information
- Impacts: NA
PMP-80939 Was Employee exposed to the analytic to be default to yes and hidden configurationally
Configurable: Yes
- Title:
A)DefaultWasTheEmployee exposedToYes Yes = Default to Yes , No = Default to No
B)HideWasTheEmployeeExposed Yes = Hide field , No = Show
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: A =Yes , B= No
Existing System:
- Was the employee exposed to the analytic throughout his or her entire work shift (if not, select no to adjust the Lab Concentration result)? , Yes / No
- If yes Lab Amount = Sample Result , No = (Lab result X Shift duration )/shift Length
Purpose: customer specific operation
Enhanced System:
- Default Was the employee exposed to the analytic value as Yes and hide in impacted areas of application Configurationally