New and Improved Features
New Features (Product Level)
Design Flaws (Product Level)
PMP-95696 - Confidential Risk Assessment
Configurable: Yes
Title: Enable Confidentiality
Public/Private: Public
Default: Yes, (but permission driven).
Existing System: Currently, we can't mark an assessment as 'Confidential'.
Purpose: To be able to tag few Risk Assessments as “Confidential” in the application with access only to authorized users.
Enhanced System:
User would be able to mark a Risk Assessment “Confidential”.
Confidential Risk Assessments will not have the option to be part of corporate library.
In Mobile, confidential risk assessments will not appear.
User would have the option to pick the authorized users who can access the assessment.
For a confidential Risk Assessment, data would be masked in list screen for all unathorized users.
As the title will be masked, we have added the Risk Assessment Id as mandatory column with a hyperlink.
Risk assessment data populating in picklists in other modules like Incident Management and Apps would also be masked.
Action item source details are also masked for confidential risk assessments.
A new risk assessment notification will be triggered for authorized users.
Impacts: Reports, Cognos.
PMP-96933 - Restore Corporate Library Functionality
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, only risk assessments with location scope are visible in the corporate library.
Purpose: To restore the corporate library functionality of showing all risk assessments from all locations without considering the scope.
Enhanced System:
The corporate library will not be limited based on user scope.
All assessments in the Corporate Library regardless of associated location are viewable by all users with View permission (regardless of user's logged-in location and scope).
Users with the Copy permission at their logged-in location should have the ability to copy assessments directly from the Corporate Library to their logged-in location.
Impacts: None.