New and Improved Features

Product Level 


 Bulk select for "At Risk , At Safe , Feedback given ,comments ,NA"  for peer to peer observation

Configurable  :NA

Title :NA

Public / Private :NA

Default :Bulk select option would appear

Existing System: User need to manually mark one or number of behavior individually as At risk ,At safe ,feedback given ,na and entered comments individually

Purpose :

Enhanced  System:

Flow diagram with message

New section in Peer to peer observation for bulk select 

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 Autopopulate Report by name  in Observers for Group Observations

Configurable  : NA ,Product Level Change

Title : NA

Public / Private : NA

Existing System: Report by name  field value doesn't appear in Observers field 

Purpose :

Enhanced  System:

Group Observation -Report by Name in Observer

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 View Observation Summary to Show Department Hierarchy

Configurable  : NA ,Product Level Change

Title :NA

Public / Private : NA

Default : Would appear all observations

Existing System: System didn't showed the department hierarchy .It just showed the department name  

Purpose :No visibility on department hierarchy for observations in Observation list .Its informative and convenient for user to have all the information in one page and available at a glance

Enhanced  System:

Department Hierarchy in Observation List

Department Hierarchy in Export Observers

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  Provide % safe score and location name in the completed Print Observation Card

Configurable  : NA ,Product Level Change

Title : NA 

Public / Private :NA

Default :Location and % safe score to appear in print observation card

Existing SystemLocation and % safe score missing in print observation card

Purpose : missing information

Enhanced  System:

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 Behavior list to be SOA

Configurable  : NA ,Product Level Change

Title : NA 

Public / Private :NA

Default : Behavior list will be SOA

Existing System Behavior List is not SOA in current system

Purpose :

Enhanced  System:

Behavior List now SOA

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    Module behavior library enhancement

Configurable  :Customer specific

Title :IsSyncBehaviourApplicable

Public / Private : Private

Default : Not Applicable to product

Existing System: To update a behavior name and description associated to a work area ,user need to delete the behavior add updated behavior to work area

Purpose : existing process involved multiple navigation and mouse click

Enhanced  System: 

Sync Behavior  Button Added to Module behavior library

Work Area :Behavior added from Library

Behavior Name and Description changed  and Sync Behavior button is clicked by selecting this behavior

Synced behavior information in work area

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 Individual Observed picklist Field to be Mandatory /non mandatory configurationally

Configurable  :Customer Specific

Title :IsIndividualObservedPicklistMandatory

Public / Private : Public .Value : Yes / No (Yes = Mandatory ,No = Non Mandatory)

Default : Yes

Existing System: Individual observed in Group Observation is mandatory in the existing system

Purpose : Some of the customers want it to be mandatory and some non mandatory 

Enhanced  System:

This field is made configurable to make it as mandatory or non mandatory

Individual Observed field configurable -mandatory / non mandatory

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