Product Level
Configurable :NA
Title :NA
Public / Private :NA
Default :Bulk select option would appear
Existing System: User need to manually mark one or number of behavior individually as At risk ,At safe ,feedback given ,na and entered comments individually
Purpose :Its tedious and time taking to enter these information individually for all behavior when the behavior count is more
Enhanced System:
Flow diagram with message
New section in Peer to peer observation for bulk select
Configurable : NA ,Product Level Change
Title : NA
Public / Private : NA
Existing System: Report by name field value doesn't appear in Observers field
Purpose :
Enhanced System:
Group Observation -Report by Name in Observer
Configurable : NA ,Product Level Change
Title :NA
Public / Private : NA
Default : Would appear all observations
Existing System: System didn't showed the department hierarchy .It just showed the department name
Purpose :No visibility on department hierarchy for observations in Observation list .Its informative and convenient for user to have all the information in one page and available at a glance
Enhanced System:
Department Hierarchy in Observation List
Department Hierarchy in Export Observers
Configurable : NA ,Product Level Change
Title : NA
Public / Private :NA
Default :Location and % safe score to appear in print observation card
Existing System: Location and % safe score missing in print observation card
Purpose : missing information
Enhanced System:
Configurable : NA ,Product Level Change
Title : NA
Public / Private :NA
Default : Behavior list will be SOA
Existing System : Behavior List is not SOA in current system
Purpose :
Enhanced System:
Behavior List now SOA
Configurable :Customer specific
Title :IsSyncBehaviourApplicable
Public / Private : Private
Default : Not Applicable to product
Existing System: To update a behavior name and description associated to a work area ,user need to delete the behavior add updated behavior to work area
Purpose : existing process involved multiple navigation and mouse click
Enhanced System:
Sync Behavior Button Added to Module behavior library
Work Area :Behavior added from Library
Behavior Name and Description changed and Sync Behavior button is clicked by selecting this behavior
Synced behavior information in work area
Configurable :Customer Specific
Title :IsIndividualObservedPicklistMandatory
Public / Private : Public .Value : Yes / No (Yes = Mandatory ,No = Non Mandatory)
Default : Yes
Existing System: Individual observed in Group Observation is mandatory in the existing system
Purpose : Some of the customers want it to be mandatory and some non mandatory
Enhanced System:
This field is made configurable to make it as mandatory or non mandatory
Individual Observed field configurable -mandatory / non mandatory