23.4 Document Management Release Notes
23.4 Document Management Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- PMP-94779 - As an owner, I want to navigate to the document action section from the email view document button
- PMP-94778 - As an administrator, I want to change the document's top folder name as per the organization's standard
PMP-94779 - As an owner, I want to navigate to the document task section from the email view document button
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- The user is navigating to the document details screen from the task notification
- To reduce user's duplicate actions by changing the navigation from the document details screen to action screens like Pending Approval, Pending Periodic Review, etc
Enhanced System:
- Changed the navigation from document details to task screens
Impacts: NA
PMP-94778 - As an administrator, I want to change the document's top folder name as per the organization's standard
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Rename Parent Corporate Folder
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: Corporate
- Title: Rename Parent Location Folder
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: Location
Existing System:
- There is no option to rename the document's top folder name
- Customers are raising requests to change the document's top folder name
- Provide option to rename the document's top folder name
- Customers can rename the parent folder name as per their standard
Enhanced System:
- Manage top folder name using configuration
- Make the configuration type public
- The configuration's default value would be Corporate for Corporate folder structure and Location for Location folder structure
- The customer's System Administrator having permission to update custom settings (Configuration) can change the name as per their organization's standard.
Impacts: NA
Corporate Folder Name Configuration
LocationFolder Name Configuration
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