IMS Property Damage Outbound API
Background and strategic fit
The purpose of this Integration is to pull over different Property Damage Incident Details to support our growing customer base to analyze the data they are entering through the ProcessMAP solution.This document provides information on how to consume the API's by the end Users.
ProcessMAP system User permissions would not be considered while exposing the data
ProcessMAP assumes anyone who is accessing the Outbound API has required authority to access Personal Information
User would have to input single Location Code(e.g. Westlake) each time to consume that Location data
Data to be accessed with a limitation of 2 years duration at a time to avoid any performance issues.
Data will be shown in Readable JSON format
Fields Names in the Response can use mapping documentation provided in order to map the JSON Response as per application fields.
User accessing this endpoint through a valid Token & ConsumerId, provided by ProcessMAP, will have access to complete data
Witness Details Information will be as nested
The data that is being shown in response is in EST Date time format ONLY
Certain fields are auto-populated in Application but the same will not reflect in JSON until the form is saved
User Interaction
Implementation :
Environment | Auth URL |
UAT | |
Production |
Please note that the above Auth Token expires after every 120 minutes.
Environment | Base URL | Method |
UAT | GET | |
Production | GET |
Incident Details
GET papi/v1/imsoutbound/propertydamageincidents?locationCode={locationCode}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&lastSyncedDate={lastSyncedDate}
Ex: papi/v1/imsoutbound/propertydamageincidents?locationCode=westlake&dateFrom=2019-07-01&dateTo=2019-07-30&lastSyncedDate=2019-01-01
URI Parameters
Location Code, DateFrom, DateTo and LastSyncedDate are to be passed as parameters.
DateFrom and DateTo are required when LastSyncedDate is not provided.
When DateFrom, DateTo and LastSyncedDate are provided, data will be returned based on LastSyncedDate only.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
locationCode | Represents the unique code of location for which Incident records to return. | string | Required |
dateFrom | Represents the starting date of Incident records to return. | date | Required but value optional |
dateTo | Represents the ending date of Incident records to return. | date | Required but value optional |
lastSyncedDate | Represents the data from incident created date or incident modified date. | date | Required but value optional |
Name | Description | Sample |
Authorization | Represents the value of the authentication token. | Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ... |
ConsumerId | Represents the value of the consumer id. | 2426 |
"PropertyDamageIncidentDetails": {
"IncidentDetails": {
"IncidentInternalID": "US-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-I-0020",
"IncidentIDSystemGenerated": "US-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-P-0001",
"IncidentTitleSite": "sample",
"IncidentType": "Process Incident/Property Damage",
"LocationCode": "Disney Studios",
"Location": "Disney Studios"
"GeneralDetails": {
"DateOfIncident": "2022-10-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"TimeOfIncident": "8:00",
"TimeUndetermined": "No",
"DayOfWeek": "Wednesday",
"WorkShift": "Morning Shift",
"TimeWorkDayBegan": "6:00",
"IsthisaseriousIncidentorhasthePotentialtobeSerious": "Yes",
"DescriptionofIncident": "wall damage",
"OccurredonEmployersPremises": "Yes",
"Department": "PMAP#1",
"WasAssetinvolved": "No",
"Assets": [],
"DateReportedtoEmployer": "2022-10-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"TimeReportedtoEmployer": "10:55",
"Significance": "Level 1"
"EmployeeIndividualDetails": [
"WasanEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident": "Yes",
"PersonnelType": "Employee",
"EmployeeFirstName": "Jim",
"EmployeeMiddleName": "R",
"EmployeeLastName": "Murray",
"EmployeeId": "000031",
"PayRateType": "Salary",
"EmployeeDepartment": ""
"PropertyDamageIncidentDetails": {
"IncidentType": "Building / Vehicle",
"IsthisachargeableIncident": "No",
"CauseofIncidentType": "Machine"
"DamageSummary": {
"WasaContractorinvolvedintheIncident": "No",
"PleaseProvideContractorDetails": "",
"WasTheContractorTrainedOnCompanyPolicies": "",
"DescribeAnyDamageCaused": "",
"DescribeWhatCausedtheIncidentToOccur": "",
"DescribeWorkActivityBeingPerformedDuringIncident": "",
"WastheApplicableRegulatoryAgencyNotified": "No"
"WitnessInformation": [
"ArethereanyWitnessesidentified": "No"
"AdditionalIncidentInformation": {
"IncidentStatus": "Investigation Report Incomplete",
"CreatedBy": "John Smith",
"CreatedDate": "2022-10-12T01:31:00.630Z",
"LastUpdatedBy": "John Smith",
"LastUpdatedDate": "10/17/2022 7:39:12 AM"
"InvestigationReport": {
"InvestigationDetails": [
"Did the Incident involve a chemical or chemical process": "Yes",
"Did an employee, contractor, or subcontractor medical treatment case": "Yes",
"Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost ": "Yes",
"Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $2500 of direct cost ": "Yes",
"Material Code": "",
"Release Location": "",
"Is material released above it's Flash Point?": "",
"Spillage Quantity": "",
"Tier Type": {
"Tier Type": "Tier 2",
"Tier 2 Ques": "",
"Tier 1 Ques": "",
"Tier 3 Ques": ""
"Was an asset involved in the Injury of the Employee?": "No",
"Asset ID Number": ""
"Did affected employee(non-injured) voilate work rule?": "Yes",
"Name of employee": ""
"Did the incident result in a fire?": "Yes",
"Who Reported the Fire?": "",
"Senior Fire Brigade Officer": "",
"Was the fire alarm sounded?": "Yes",
"Was the plant evacuated?": "Yes",
"Was the Fire Department called?": {
"Was the Fire Department called?": "Yes",
"who called?": ""
"How many hand extinguishers were used?": "",
"How many wheeled extinguishers used?": "",
"How many hose lines were used?": "",
"Did the sprinklers operate?": {
"Did the sprinklers operate?": "No",
"How many?": "",
"Which risers?": ""
"Is the alarm system back in service?": "No",
"Have all extinguishers and hoses been replaced?": "No",
"Is the sprinkler system back in service?": "No",
"What is the plant Temperature?": "",
"What is the plant humidity?": "",
"Post Inspection Details:": ""
"Is the damage to the property significant to restrict access?": "Yes",
"What steps are being taken to ensure no unauthorized access?": ""
"Is the damage significant enough to create a security risk to the facility?": "Yes",
"Please describe what steps are being taken to secure the area?": ""
"ContributingFactors": [
"Contributing Factor Type (Parent)": "Computer or IT Theft",
"ContributingFactors": [
"Computer Theft"
"Comments": ""
"whymethodology": [],
"RootCauseAnalysis": [],
"FinalRootCause": []
"ActionItems": [],
"ManagementReview": []
JSON Field Mapping with respect to Application Fields :
JSON Field | ProcessMAP System Field |
IncidentID | Incident ID (System Generated) |
InternalIncidentID |
IncidentTitle | Incident Title/Site |
LocationCode | Location Code |
Location |
IncidentDate | Date of Incident |
TimeofIncident | Time of Incident |
TimeUndetermined |
DayOfWeek | Day Of Week |
JobShift | Job Shift |
TimeWorkDayBegan | Time Work Day Began |
hasthePotentialtobeSerious | Is this a serious Incident or has the Potential to be Serious? |
DescriptionofIncident | Description of Incident |
IncidentOccurredonEmployerPremises | Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises |
Department |
PinLocation |
AddressofIncidentLocation | Address of Incident Location |
City | City |
County | County |
Country | Country |
State | State/Province |
ZipCode | Postal Code/Zip Code |
WasAssetinvolved | Was Asset involved? |
Assets | Select Asset(s) |
DateandTimeReportedtoEmployer | Date & Time Reported to Employer |
ConfirmSignificancelevelofincident | Confirm Significance Level of Incident |
EmployeeDetails | Employee / Individual Details |
WasEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident | Was an Employee / Individual involved in the Incident? |
PersonnelType | Personnel Type |
EmployeeInvolved | Employee / Individual Involved( Last, First, M.I.) |
EmployeeId | Employee Id |
PayRateType | Pay Rate Type |
EmployeeDepartment | Employee / Individual Department |
Contractor | Contractor |
DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployee | Do you want to further classify Unsupervised Contract Employee |
TypeofClientPersonnel | Type of Client Personnel |
ClientCompany | Client Company |
NameofContractor | Name of Contractor |
NameofSubContractor | Name of SubContractor |
WasMachineinvolved |
MachineNumber |
ReviewedbyEHSRepresentative |
ReviewDate |
PropertyDamageIncidentDetails | Property Damage Incident Details |
IncidentType | Incident Type |
IsthisachargeableIncident | Is this a chargeable Incident |
CauseofIncident | Cause of Incident |
DamageSummary | Damage Summary |
Wascontractorinvolvedintheincident | Was contractor involved in the incident |
PleaseprovideContractorDetails | Please provide Contractor Details |
Wasthecontractortrainedoncompanypolicies | Was the contractor trained on company policies |
Describeanydamagecaused | Describe any damage caused |
Describewhatcausedtheincidenttooccur | Describe what caused the incident to occur |
Describeworkactivitybeingperformedduringincident | Describe work activity being performed during incident |
Wastheapplicableregulatoryagencynotified | Was the applicable regulatory agency notified |
WitnessInformation | Witness Information |
ArethereanyWitnessesidentified | Are there any Witnesses identified |
NumberofWitnesses | Number of Witnesses |
LastName | LastName |
FirstName | FirstName |
MiddleName | MiddleName |
Notes | Notes |
PhoneNumber | Phone Number |
WitnessrealtiontoProcessMAP | Witness Relation to ProcessMAP |
InvestigationResponsibility |
Salutation | Salutation |
FirstName | First Name |
LastName | Last Name |
TargetCompletionDate | Target Completion Date |
Note | Note |
NotifyImmediateSupervisor | Notify Immediate Supervisor |
InvestigationDetails |
All questions |
ContributingFactors |
ContributingFactorType | Contributing Factor Type |
ContributingFactors | Contributing Factors |
Comments | Comments |
5WhyMethodology |
SelectActionorConditionthatmayhavedirectlycausedincident | Select Action or Condition that may have directly caused incident |
Whys | Whys |
RootCauseStatement |
RootcauseType | Root cause Type |
RootCause | Root Cause |
Comments | Comments |
FinalRootCauseStatement |
FinalRootCauseStatement | Final Root Cause Statement |
PrimaryCountermeasure | Primary Counter measure |
PrimaryRootCause | Primary Root Cause |
Action Items |
SourceID | Source ID |
SourceTitle | Source Title |
ActionItemTitle | Action Item Title |
ActionItemCategory | Action Item Category |
ActionItemType | Action Item Type |
RootCause | Root Cause |
ActionItemDescription | Action Item Description |
ActionItemPriority | Action Item Priority |
ActionItemDueDate | Action Item Due Date |
Owners | Owner |
ResponsibleDepartment | Responsible Department |
Countermeasure | Countermeasure |
ApplicabletoExpansion | Applicable to Expansion? |
DescriptionofActionstobeExpanded | Description of Actions to be Expanded * |
ApplicabletoEEMEPMInfo | Applicable to EEM/EPM Info? |
EEMEPMInfoSubmitted | EEM/EPM Info Submitted? |
DocumentNumber | Document Number * |
AssignedBy | Assigned By |
Verificationrequired | Verification required |
VerifyUser | Verify User |
ApprovalStatus | Approval Status |
Approvers | Approvers |
ApprovalComment | Approval Comment |
ApprovalDate | Approval Date |
ActionItemStatus | Action Item Status |
ActionTaken | Action Taken |
ActionitemCompletedBy | Action item Completed By |
ActionitemCompletedDate | Action item Completed Date |
DueDateExtension | Due Date Extension |
RequestedDueDateExtension | Requested Due Date Extension |
ReasonforDueDateExtension | Reason for Due Date Extension |
DueDateExtensionRequestApproved | Due Date Extension Request Approved? |
ReasonfornotextendingtheDueDate. | Reason for not extending the DueDate. |
VerificationStatus | Verification Status |
VerificationPerformed | Verification Performed |
VerifiedBy | Verified By |
VerificationDate | Verification Date |
Comments | Comments |
CapitalExpenditureinvolved | Capital Expenditure involved |
Approximatecost | Approximate cost |
EstimatedBudget | Estimated Budget |
Additional Information |
IncidentStatus |
CreatedBy |
CreatedDate |
LastUpdatedDate |
LastUpdatedBy |
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