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New and Improved Features
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Currently work area field has been built out as an Enterprise Set Up field only
- There has been no location wise data configuration
- The work area look up in enterprise set up used a IH Module specific table .
- Work Area field will be available in Enterprise set up as well as Location Profile
- The table linkage for workarea in enterprise set up is changed from "PM_IH_workprocess" to "foundation.workarea"
- All the impacted screen with this fields mentioned below will show value configured in both Location Profile and Enterprise Set up
- Existing Data: show value as selected earlier .Data correction has been done
- Impacts:
- Application (Both Details and SOA Filters) - QRA ,Sample Plan Record , Sample ,SEG
- Report Central - Sample Plan Record ,Sample Report
- Import Utilities - Chemical , Noise ,Direct Read Instrument ,GO-1055 Chemical , GO-1055 Noise
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: will appear as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Sites would like to be able to add to this list.
- They reach out to corporate everytime for creation and some Job Classification are not applicable for corporate ,rather applicable for sites only
- Not standardized as per other modules whose Job Classification tables are centralized "foundation.workarea"
- Job classification field will be available in Enterprise set up as well as Location Profile
- The table linkage for workarea in enterprise set up is changed from "PM_IH_JobClassification" to "foundation.JobClassification"
- All the impacted screen with this fields mentioned below will show value configured in both Location Profile and Enterprise Set up
- Existing Data: show value as selected earlier .Data correction has been done
- Impacts:
- Application (Both Details and SOA Filters) - QRA ,Sample Plan Record , Sample ,SEG
- Report Central - IH Query , Sample Plan Record ,Sample Report
- Import Utilities - Chemical , Noise ,Direct Read Instrument ,GO-1055 Chemical , GO-1055 Noise
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Current Noise Sample result columns are not labelled properly and needs to be rectified
- Appropriate renaming of the columns
Enhanced System:
- Sample Result for Noise - Swap column name for Results and Result/Projected
- Existing Data: show correct names
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In the Sample Plan Record Details screen, in the current system for the field “Baseline / Prior Results”, the existing drop down values are >Action Level, >Exposure Limit, Baseline/Routine
- Additional values in Sample Plan Record Baseline / Prior Results
- New values - Action Level, Exposure Limit ,Baseline -6 ,Routine -3 ,Fixed -1 . These being default values .
- The values for these field to be configured in module set up
- Sample Per year existing calculation to appear as per the values selected
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Sample Plan Record
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Job Classification and Title field are not configurable(mandatory /non mandatory) by Sample Type
- New field as Job classification mandatory in Module Set up > Sample Type
- Selection will make the field mandatory for Diagnostic /Planned Sample
- By default , the field will appear unchecked
- Existing Data: Non Mandatory
- Impacts: Sample - Planned and Diagnostic
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen doesnt provide any information if the records have attachments in the List screens
- With increase no of mouse clicks and navigation steps ,user have to manually check for each record whether they have any attachment
New option to view attachments from Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen
New column in List screen as Attachments
- This will be a non mandatory column
The value of the column will be numbers
0 for no attachments and numbers based on the attachment linked
On clicking it will redirect user to attachments section in dashboard
- Here the attachment section will expand , with other sections collapsed
- Existing Data: Show attachment counts with hyperlink , if attachment available
- Impacts: Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In Manage Sample List for 3 noise settings ,Results Categories appear in alphabetcical order
- In manage sample list user is not able to figure out the associated result categories for each noise setting
Enhanced System:
The result categories to appear based on the noise setting
- In Sample List : Results column for Noise Sample 1 will show as :
- Over Exposure (S1) ,Above Standard (S2),Below Action Level (S3)
- Incase setting 2 is above action level and setting 1 & 3 are below action level , then show setting 2 in the first
- If all same sort and display numerically as per the settings
- Existing Data: Show the result category new value
- Impacts: Manage Sample
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Currently Sample Plan Record Report does not contain "Sample Plan Name" in view reports and filters
- Both in filter and view reports "Sample Plan Name" to be added
- Due to technical challenge it will be visible in mandatory column selection filter but not in optional filter
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In QRA List ,Copy Assessment button consumes lot of spaces
- To export assessment to plan it includes redundant addtional step
- Reduced workflow step to export to new/existing sample plan
- Renamed Copy Assessment button to Copy
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- To create COC user need to go through 3 steps by navigating to 3 different pages
- New design that would facilitate Single step COC creation with consolidated information in one screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In both the Qualitative Risk Assessment as well as the Sample Plan Record, we have the ability to see the status of the Sample Results (which needs to be relabeled – “Results Category”).
- We are missing the status.
- So we don’t know if the Samples have been received, approved or invalidated.
- Sample Status and Result in Qualitative Risk Assessment ,
- Status column showing active /inactive is removed
- Sample Status in Sample Plan Record is added
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Limited filter option in Result by Category widget
Calendar Year (Monthly View)
Year to Date (Monthly View)
12 Month Rolling (Monthly View)
Current & Previous Calendar Year (Monthly View)
Current & Previous Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 2 Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 3 Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 4 Calendar Year (Annual View
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- New non mandatory columns added -Qualitative Risk Assessment ,Sample Plan ,Sample Plan Record
- Sample Name would be a non mandatory column
- Results Column renamed to Results Category
- Include the numerical results with UoM in a last column.
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- No Copy option in Result by category widget
Enhanced System:
- Copy option included
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Always considers validate and invalidate samples for sample plan completion percentage calculation
- No Copy option
- Filter option to view with and without invalidate sample
- Copy option to compare between 2 widgets
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Sample Plan record can be used for planned sample at any point of time within a year
- New Section in Sample Plan Record Dashboard "Sample Plan Record Status Summary" to mark the status of sample plan record as Active , Closed for Current plan ,Closed Permanently
- Active - will allow the sample plan record to be included
- Closed for current plan - will not appear when the sample is linked with current year plan but as the plan is roll over , the sample plan record becomes Active
- Closed Permanently - would never be available to be included in any sample .
- In Summary it will show the audit trail ,the way its showing currently for sample plan status summary (SOA)
- Existing Data: Active
- Impacts: NA
Known Issue : Closed Permanently Status and other fields in details not appearing .Informed team to fix
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- Rename Under Calendar > Manage Action Items > Snapshot screen - "Industrial Hygiene(QRA)" to "Industrial Hygiene(QEA)".
- Existing Data: show the changed name
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Changes done in 20.2 for Air Monitoring ,Passive Monitoring ,Wipe Sample ,Bulk Sample ,Gravity
- New field for Analytical Method in Sample Result, which will be available irrespective of Analytical method being available in sample details
- Field type - free text box, 100 character max, Non-Mandatory
- While saving the value, it will check if the value exists in the current look up. If not then will create one in module set up
- If the Analytical Method in Sample Result is updated, it will also update the value in Sample Details
- Lab feed for COC samples will match if the Analytical Method recieved from lab is same as Sample Details
- If matches it will update/overwrite this value in the Analytical Method field in the Sample Result
- For Chemical samples other than blank ,analytical method result changes were done in Sample Result in 20.2 .Same need to be done for blank samples
- New field for Analytical Method in Blank Sample Result with similar business logic as applicable to other samples
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Guidance document added in Summary List screen
- Guidance document to be added in the Associated Stressor Details instead of Summary List screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- In Blank sample results, the unit of measure for Sample Result field is defaulted to PPL
- No default value to appear on page load .It should be completly optional .
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: SampleInvalidatePercentage ,Percentage value can be given from 1 to 100 or NA (not applicable)
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: 5
Existing System:
- For Air Monitoring Pump if Pre and Post Calibration Flow Rates difference is > 5%. The system automatically set the Sample Status to "Results Invalidated".
- Even though the difference is > 5%, this does not always mean the sample should be voided. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for this difference and the sample can be considered valid.
Enhanced System:
- Results to be not invalidated if the difference in greater than 5% and above .
- This to be turned on /off configurationally
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Allows to create sample for Sample plans of current year
System to allow to create samples for previous year sample plan
While Adding a planned sample , show options in SOA for Sample Plan - Current year , previous year ,current and previous year .
Based on selection show the records
User should be able to select the Sample Plan accordingly from Previous and current year
- Add separate non mandatory column for Sample Plan Start Date & Sample Plan End Date
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Sample Plan Record / Create new planned sample
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: ShowSamplePlanYears ,Value that can be configured : 0 to 7 years
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: 1
Existing System:
- Sample plan record import utility. the excel file produced shows too many years of sample plans.
- Sample Plan record Utility template to only show the current and previous 3 years in the Sample Plan ID dropdown.
- Configuration to consider previous years of showing sample plan .Range - 0 - 7
- If 0 selected , would show current year
- If 1 selected , would show current and previous years and so on
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- 2 samples for similar instruments - CO direct reading and one is reporting correctly for all results (100992) and the other 100993 is showing an incorrect value and user cannot change for the STEL sample result.
Purpose: Enhanced System:
- Specific business rule for Direct monitoring
Enhanced System:
- For Direct Sample Result ,it would consider “Was their Potetial exposure beyond Sample Portion“ only for TWA only and would not consider when duration type is STEL / Max / Min
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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/PMP-73776IH Query Reports in Reports Central changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- IH Query reports have some missing fields and sorting options
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- Include additional fields to IH query report filter and view reports
- Field 1 -Sample Plan Record Group Size"
- Field 2 - COC column
- New Sorting for COC
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Anchor | ||||
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA