New and Improved Features
Product Level
PMP-72832 Work area - location
PMP-72833 Job Classification /job title
PMP-64692 Sample result column Label changes
PMP-76879 Add Additional Category in the Baseline / Prior Results field
PMP-59605 Job Classification(s) & Title(s) Field- Make Optional for General Area Air Sample Type
PMP-61284 Add Attachment Column in the List screen
PMP-57871 Request to change setting of Noise results as preferred.
PMP-53285 Sample Plan Record Report - Sample given name does not appear
PMP-61485 Qualitative Risk Assessment Changes
PMP-61548 Revamp and redesign of Create COC page
PMP-79057 Sample Status in Sample Plan Record & QRA
PMP-79059 Result by Category - Additional Filters
PMP-79056 Manage Sample screen changes
PMP-79060 Copy widget option for Result By category
PMP-79058 Sample Invalidate not be consider in Sample Plan % completion
PMP-79061 SamplePlan Record status -Active,Closed, Permanently closed
PMP-78952 Tag Renaming QEA in Action item
PMP-74135 Remove the validation for analytical method from blank sample results via lab feed
PMP-71104 Request to add guidance document in Details Screen
PMP-69287 Blank Sample result UOM
PMP-78767 Sample Plan Record - SOA Changes
PMP-78931 CO direct reading instrument results
PMP-56528 IH Query Reports in Reports Central changes
PMP-59139 Send Email - User Pick List
PMP-73776 IH Query Report - Update Sorting Options to Add COC ID
PMP-55850 Unable to edit the calculated time for a Sample in IH
PMP-2359 Sample Notification - hyperlink
PMP-79134 Show user name in audit trail
PMP-66912 Duplicate Sample IDs Allows for Blanks
PMP-62919 Request to update the failure notice for when the employee selected does not have a valid email address. IH Report Email
PMP-47075 Action Item list SOA
PMP-71108 SEG Default name
PMP-71106 Noise Import Utility Changes
PMP-75245 Unable to copy Samples from previous years
PMP-69115 Adding Alert/Reminder feature for Air Monitoring Equipment module
PMP-71718 Indoor Air quality Sample
Customer Specific
PMP-69289 Issue with Sample Status "Results Invalidated"
PMP-78731 Request to show Current and previous 3 years in the Sample Plan ID drop down in Template
PMP-66961 GO-1055 Translation to Russian
PMP-71110 Request to change the Qualitative Wipe Samples to 'Qualitative Samples' for Sample Type, Sample Equipment, Duration Type and Qualitative Wipe Results to 'Qualitative Results'.
PMP-66189 Request to Remove OEL Shift Adjustments from Sample Activity Details.
PMP-62157 Sampled By - Internal
PMP-75264 Detection code validation for Blank Samples
PMP-72832 Work area Standardization
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Currently work area field has been built out as an Enterprise Set Up field only
- There has been no location wise data configuration
- The work area look up in enterprise set up used a IH Module specific table .
- Sites would like to be able to add to this list.
- They reach out to corporate everytime for creation and some work area are not applicable for corporate ,rather applicable for sites only
- Not standardized as per other modules whose work area tables are centralized "foundation.workarea"
Enhanced System:
- Work Area field will be available in Enterprise set up as well as Location Profile
- The table linkage for workarea in enterprise set up is changed from "PM_IH_workprocess" to "foundation.workarea"
- All the impacted screen with this fields mentioned below will show value configured in both Location Profile and Enterprise Set up
- Existing Data: show value as selected earlier .Data correction has been done
- Impacts:
- Application (Both Details and SOA Filters) - QRA ,Sample Plan Record , Sample ,SEG
- Report Central - Sample Plan Record ,Sample Report
- Import Utilities - Chemical , Noise ,Direct Read Instrument ,GO-1055 Chemical , GO-1055 Noise
PMP-72833 Job Classification standardization
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: will appear as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Sites would like to be able to add to this list.
- They reach out to corporate everytime for creation and some Job Classification are not applicable for corporate ,rather applicable for sites only
- Not standardized as per other modules whose Job Classification tables are centralized "foundation.workarea"
- Sites would like to be able to add to this list.
- They reach out to corporate everytime for creation and some Job Classification are not applicable for corporate ,rather applicable for sites only
- Different modules use Job Classification in different look ups , its not standardized .Hence user has to configure it in multiple place for multiple modules
Enhanced System:
- Job classification field will be available in Enterprise set up as well as Location Profile
- The table linkage for workarea in enterprise set up is changed from "PM_IH_JobClassification" to "foundation.JobClassification"
- All the impacted screen with this fields mentioned below will show value configured in both Location Profile and Enterprise Set up
- Existing Data: show value as selected earlier .Data correction has been done
- Impacts:
- Application (Both Details and SOA Filters) - QRA ,Sample Plan Record , Sample ,SEG
- Report Central - IH Query , Sample Plan Record ,Sample Report
- Import Utilities - Chemical , Noise ,Direct Read Instrument ,GO-1055 Chemical , GO-1055 Noise
PMP-64692 Sample result column Label changes
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Current Noise Sample result columns are not labelled properly and needs to be rectified
- Appropriate renaming of the columns
Enhanced System:
- Sample Result for Noise - Swap column name for Results and Result/Projected
- Existing Data: show correct names
- Impacts: NA
PMP-76879 Add Additional Category in the Baseline / Prior Results field
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In the Sample Plan Record Details screen, in the current system for the field “Baseline / Prior Results”, the existing drop down values are >Action Level, >Exposure Limit, Baseline/Routine
- Customer requests this new value to address sampling scenarios not considered with the other values.
- These include adding a sample point to confirm they are still in range with prior results that were not above the action level or exposure limit but would not be considered routine, or to take a sample after some type of change has occurred in the operation or with control measures to compare to prior results.
Enhanced System:
- Additional values in Sample Plan Record Baseline / Prior Results
- New values - Action Level, Exposure Limit ,Baseline -6 ,Routine -3 ,Fixed -1 . These being default values .
- The values for these field to be configured in module set up
- Sample Per year existing calculation to appear as per the values selected
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Sample Plan Record
PMP-59605 Job Classification(s) & Title(s) Field- Make Optional for General Area Air Sample Type
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Job Classification and Title field are not configurable(mandatory /non mandatory) by Sample Type
- Better Usuability
Enhanced System:
- New field as Job classification mandatory in Module Set up > Sample Type
- Selection will make the field mandatory for Diagnostic /Planned Sample
- By default , the field will appear unchecked
- Existing Data: Non Mandatory
- Impacts: Sample - Planned and Diagnostic
PMP-61284 Add Attachment Column in the List screen
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen doesnt provide any information if the records have attachments in the List screens
- With increase no of mouse clicks and navigation steps ,user have to manually check for each record whether they have any attachment
Enhanced System:
New option to view attachments from Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen
New column in List screen as Attachments
- This will be a non mandatory column
The value of the column will be numbers
0 for no attachments and numbers based on the attachment linked
On clicking it will redirect user to attachments section in dashboard
- Here the attachment section will expand , with other sections collapsed
- Existing Data: Show attachment counts with hyperlink , if attachment available
- Impacts: Assessment , Sample Plan ,Sample List screen
PMP-57871 Request to change setting of Noise results as preferred.
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In Manage Sample List for 3 noise settings ,Results Categories appear in alphabetcical order
- In manage sample list user is not able to figure out the associated result categories for each noise setting
Enhanced System:
The result categories to appear based on the noise setting
EX : For Noise Sample 1 , 3 noise settings has been recorded .
Based on reading sample Results for
Setting 1 ,calculated as Over exposure
Setting 2 ,calculated as Above Standard
Setting 3 ,calculated as Below Action Level
- In Sample List : Results column for Noise Sample 1 will show as :
- Over Exposure (S1) ,Above Standard (S2),Below Action Level (S3)
- Incase setting 2 is above action level and setting 1 & 3 are below action level , then show setting 2 in the first
- If all same sort and display numerically as per the settings
- Existing Data: Show the result category new value
- Impacts: Manage Sample
PMP-53285 Sample Plan Record Report - Sample given name does not appear
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Currently Sample Plan Record Report does not contain "Sample Plan Name" in view reports and filters
- Incomplete information in report
Enhanced System:
- Both in filter and view reports "Sample Plan Name" to be added
- Due to technical challenge it will be visible in mandatory column selection filter but not in optional filter
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-61485 Qualitative Risk Assessment Changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In QRA List ,Copy Assessment button consumes lot of spaces
- To export assessment to plan it includes redundant addtional step
Even after selecting the assessment once , it again shows this screen to select as a redundant step
- Better usuability
Enhanced System:
- Reduced workflow step to export to new/existing sample plan
- Renamed Copy Assessment button to Copy
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-61548 Revamp and redesign of Create COC page
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- To create COC user need to go through 3 steps by navigating to 3 different pages
- Lack of visibility of consildated information in one single page
- Reduced user experience due to more navigational steps
Enhanced System:
- New design that would facilitate Single step COC creation with consolidated information in one screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79057 Sample Status in Sample Plan Record & QRA
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In both the Qualitative Risk Assessment as well as the Sample Plan Record, we have the ability to see the status of the Sample Results (which needs to be relabeled – “Results Category”).
- We are missing the status.
- So we don’t know if the Samples have been received, approved or invalidated.
- Incomplete information
Enhanced System:
- Sample Status and Result in Qualitative Risk Assessment ,
- Status column showing active /inactive is removed
- Sample Status in Sample Plan Record is added
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79059 Result by Category - Additional Filters
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Limited filter option in Result by Category widget
- Better usuability
Enhanced System:
Additional Filters are listed below
1)Sample Equipment Type:
All (Chemical + Noise)
All Chemical (Air Monitoring Pump, Passive Monitor, Direct Monitoring – Gases & Vapors & Direct Read)
Lab Analyzed Chemical (Air Monitoring Pump & Passive Monitor)
Air Monitoring Pump
Passive Monitor
Direct Monitoring – Gases & Vapors (TWA & STEL Results Only)
Direct Read
Noise Dosimeter
2)Sample Status
All (Samples Approved + Received
Samples Approved
- Samples Received
3)Sample Results Category
All (Non-Detect, Below Action Level, Above Action Level, Over Standard, Over Exposure)
Greater than Limit (Over Standard, Over Exposure)
Greater than Action Level (Above Action Level, Over Standard, Over Exposure)
Less than Limit (Non-Detect, Below Action Level & Above Action Level)
Below Action Level,
Above Action Level,
Over Standard,
- Over Exposure
Calendar Year (Monthly View)
Year to Date (Monthly View)
12 Month Rolling (Monthly View)
Current & Previous Calendar Year (Monthly View)
Current & Previous Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 2 Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 3 Calendar Year (Annual View)
Current & Previous 4 Calendar Year (Annual View
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79056 Manage Sample screen changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- New non mandatory columns added -Qualitative Risk Assessment ,Sample Plan ,Sample Plan Record
- Sample Name would be a non mandatory column
- Results Column renamed to Results Category
- Include the numerical results with UoM in a last column.
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79060 Copy widget option for Result By category
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- No Copy option in Result by category widget
- Usuability
Enhanced System:
- Copy option included
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79058 Sample Invalidate not be consider in Sample Plan % completion
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Always considers validate and invalidate samples for sample plan completion percentage calculation
- No Copy option
- Most of the users do not consider sample invalidate in completion percentage
Enhanced System:
- Filter option to view with and without invalidate sample
- Copy option to compare between 2 widgets
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79061 SamplePlan Record status -Active,Closed, Permanently closed
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Sample Plan record can be used for planned sample at any point of time within a year
- No ability to close out a Sample Plan record
Enhanced System:
- New Section in Sample Plan Record Dashboard "Sample Plan Record Status Summary" to mark the status of sample plan record as Active , Closed for Current plan ,Closed Permanently
- Active - will allow the sample plan record to be included
- Closed for current plan - will not appear when the sample is linked with current year plan but as the plan is roll over , the sample plan record becomes Active
- Closed Permanently - would never be available to be included in any sample .
- In Summary it will show the audit trail ,the way its showing currently for sample plan status summary (SOA)
- Existing Data: Active
- Impacts: NA
Known Issue : Closed Permanently Status and other fields in details not appearing .Informed team to fix
PMP-78952 Tag Renaming QEA in Action item
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System:
- Rename Under Calendar > Manage Action Items > Snapshot screen - "Industrial Hygiene(QRA)" to "Industrial Hygiene(QEA)".
- Existing Data: show the changed name
- Impacts: NA
PMP-74135 Remove the validation for analytical method from blank sample results via lab feed
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Changes done in 20.2 for Air Monitoring ,Passive Monitoring ,Wipe Sample ,Bulk Sample ,Gravity
- New field for Analytical Method in Sample Result, which will be available irrespective of Analytical method being available in sample details
- Field type - free text box, 100 character max, Non-Mandatory
- While saving the value, it will check if the value exists in the current look up. If not then will create one in module set up
- If the Analytical Method in Sample Result is updated, it will also update the value in Sample Details
- Lab feed for COC samples will match if the Analytical Method recieved from lab is same as Sample Details
- If matches it will update/overwrite this value in the Analytical Method field in the Sample Result
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- For Chemical samples other than blank ,analytical method result changes were done in Sample Result in 20.2 .Same need to be done for blank samples
- New field for Analytical Method in Blank Sample Result with similar business logic as applicable to other samples
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71104 Request to add guidance document in Details Screen
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Guidance document added in Summary List screen
- Incorrect placement of the guidance document
Enhanced System:
- Guidance document to be added in the Associated Stressor Details instead of Summary List screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-69287 Blank Sample result UOM
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- In Blank sample results, the unit of measure for Sample Result field is defaulted to PPL
- Incorrect unit of measure
Enhanced System:
- No default value to appear on page load .It should be completly optional .
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-69289 Issue with Sample Status "Results Invalidated"
Configurable: Yes
- Title: SampleInvalidatePercentage ,Percentage value can be given from 1 to 100 or NA (not applicable)
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: 5
Existing System:
- For Air Monitoring Pump if Pre and Post Calibration Flow Rates difference is > 5%. The system automatically set the Sample Status to "Results Invalidated".
- Even though the difference is > 5%, this does not always mean the sample should be voided. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for this difference and the sample can be considered valid.
Enhanced System:
- Results to be not invalidated if the difference in greater than 5% and above .
- This to be turned on /off configurationally
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-78767 Sample Plan Record - SOA Changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- Allows to create sample for Sample plans of current year
- There are few rolling plans since last year
Enhanced System:
System to allow to create samples for previous year sample plan
While Adding a planned sample , show options in SOA for Sample Plan - Current year , previous year ,current and previous year .
Based on selection show the records
User should be able to select the Sample Plan accordingly from Previous and current year
- Add separate non mandatory column for Sample Plan Start Date & Sample Plan End Date
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Sample Plan Record / Create new planned sample
PMP-78731 Request to show Current and previous 3 years in the Sample Plan ID drop down in Template
Configurable: Yes
- Title: ShowSamplePlanYears ,Value that can be configured : 0 to 7 years
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: 1
Existing System:
- Sample plan record import utility. the excel file produced shows too many years of sample plans.
- It makes it difficult to find the plan.
Enhanced System:
- Sample Plan record Utility template to only show the current and previous 3 years in the Sample Plan ID dropdown.
- Configuration to consider previous years of showing sample plan .Range - 0 - 7
- If 0 selected , would show current year
- If 1 selected , would show current and previous years and so on
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-78931 CO direct reading instrument results
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- 2 samples for similar instruments - CO direct reading and one is reporting correctly for all results (100992) and the other 100993 is showing an incorrect value and user cannot change for the STEL sample result.
- Specific business rule for Direct monitoring
Enhanced System:
- For Direct Sample Result ,it would consider “Was their Potetial exposure beyond Sample Portion“ only for TWA only and would not consider when duration type is STEL / Max / Min
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-56528 /PMP-73776IH Query Reports in Reports Central changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- IH Query reports have some missing fields and sorting options
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- Include additional fields to IH query report filter and view reports
- Field 1 -Sample Plan Record Group Size"
- Field 2 - COC column
- New Sorting for COC
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-59139 Send Email - User Pick List
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-55850 Unable to edit the calculated time for a Sample in IH
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-2359 Sample Notification - hyperlink
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-79134 Show user name in audit trail
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-66912 Duplicate Sample IDs Allows for Blanks
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-62919 Request to update the failure notice for when the employee selected does not have a valid email address
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-47075 Action Item list SOA
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71108 SEG Default name
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71106 Noise Import Utility Changes
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-75245 Unable to copy Samples from previous years
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-69115 Adding Alert/Reminder feature for Air Monitoring Equipment module
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71718 Indoor Air quality Sample
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-66961 GO-1055 Translation to Russian
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71110 Request to change the Qualitative Wipe Samples to 'Qualitative Samples'
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-66189 Request to Remove OEL Shift Adjustments from Sample Activity Details
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-62157 Sampled By - Internal
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-75264 Detection code validation for Blank Samples
Configurable: NA
- Title:
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA