New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-73217 - Implement validations on creating a leave/ restriction when there is an open record already in the same date range
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- The system allows creating a leave or restriction even if they are overlapping.
- For, a work-related restriction, there is no dependency on the injury date.
- To be consistent with the incident management module on capturing restrictions/ leave data.
Enhanced System:
- The system would compare the dates of restriction/ leave records for the employee.
- Leave Dates: First Day Off, Return to Work Date.
- Restriction Dates: First day of restricted duty, Last Day of Restricted Duty.
- If any open restriction/ leave is created for the same period, then the system would restrict the user from creating a new restriction/ leave.
- Not only within restriction dates, the system would compare with leave dates (Vice-versa also applicable)
- The system would also not allow users to create a restriction/ leave record when the previous record has blank dates.
- For a work-related record, 'First Day Off'/ 'First day of restricted duty' should be always greater than or equal to the incident date (When an incident is associated)
Impacts: No Impact