22.2 Activity Management Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-71644 - Date persistence during calendar views switching between “Day” or “Week” and “Month”
PMP-86309 - Display the action item response and attachment column in the action item list
PMP-86229 - Rearrange calendar dashboard charts sequence
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Home screen calendar charts are not sequenced based on feature usage
Rearrange chart sequences based on usability, will help the user to use the dashboard as per action item lifecycle and usage.
Enhanced System:
Rearranged calendar dashboard chart as per priority activities by the end-user to improve the usability
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-71644 - Date persistence during calendar views switching between “Day” or “Week” and “Month”
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
With changes to the view "Day" or "Week" or "Month" the date filter defaults to the current date of the view selection
Persistent date filter irrespective of view selection
Enhanced System:
Maintaining date filter state irrespective of view selection change of "Day" or "Week" or "Month"
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-86309 - Display the action item response and attachment column in the action item list
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
No option to display the action item attachment and change the OPM module activity response from the action item list screen
Quick access to action item attachment and change response from the action list screen
Enhanced System:
Add attachment column to action item list
Add the OPM module activity(action item) response column to the action item list
Impacts: No Impact
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