Step-by-step guide
- Click on the Modules icon.
- Click on the Occupational Health menu item.
- Click on the Appointment Central menu item.
- At the Respective Appointment, Click on the Ellipse(
- Click on the Create Encounter button.
- Click on the Yes button.
- Click on the Yes button.
Complete all the fields and Click on the Save button..
18.2.1 Update
New Encounter Type - Exposure Testing- Blood Analyte Level
- We have introduced a New Encounter Type named- "Exposure Testing- Blood Anlayte Level"
- The Exposure Testing- Blood Metal Level encounter type will have the following two tabs-
- Details
- Results
- The details tab will have all the fields and business rules similar to BLL encounter type
- The Encounter Type ID will contain BAL instead of BLL i.e. Location-Year-BAL-Sequence Counter
Detail Tab
Results Tab
18.2.1 Update
New Encounter Type - Medical Reports/ Records
- In the enhanced system we have introduced a new encounter type named- "Medical Reports/ Records"
- It contains only one tab- Details
Following are the fields that will be part of details tab-
- Provider Type- it will be a mandatory drop-down field with internal and external as field values
- Provider Name- It will be a mandatory text-box
- Record Type- (will be same as external medical records with additional values- Medical Assessment and Health Analysis)
- Date Report Received - It will be a date picker (mandatory)
- Date of Assessment- It will be a date picker (mandatory)
- Body Part(s)- will be same as external medical records
- Attachment
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