New and Improved Features
PMP-47055 Invalidate samples without result
PMP-47435 Listing page update for multiple activities ,menu change and addition of quick links
PMP-41763 Exposure time calculation through bulk sample import templates
PMP-47848 Exported sample Plan Record to show the associated QEA
PMP-48479 Customer specific Employee Notification Letter Changes
PMP-49862 Sound Level Measurement to have Equipment "owned by" integrated
PMP-50092 For Chevron ,Split Sample Formula for Exposure time to be modified
PMP-50349 IH Report Email Subject to show "Employee Notification Letter & IH Summary Reports" instead of "Employee IH Summary Reports "
PMP-50376 Combine Equipment and controls in Sample Dashboard
PMP-40438 Default Monitoring Equipment defaulted to "Borrowed from other site"
PMP-50398 Action item in QRA to be made optional configurationally
PMP-50615 Count of Samples associated to a blank sample
PMP-50990 If Detection Code is “<“ then we classify as Non-detectable,customer specific
PMP-47055 Invalidate samples without result
Configurable Setting: Applicable / Not Applicable .Private
Default : Not Applicable ,Customer Specific
Existing System:
User was not able to invalidate the samples without result
Purpose :
User need to undergo a long chain to invalidate the sample ,when it was already identified to invalidate at a earlier stage
- If the sample was collected on the incorrect media.
- User don't want to delete the sample which is the easiest way since the employee would ask about where are the results
- To invalidate user cannot export the data since in this case there is no valid sample collected
- The concept of the Bulk sample invalidate is right now, we have no other option to invalidate except AFTER the results have been received.However, if they want to invalidate before sending the lab, we don't have this feature
Enhanced System:
- Invalidate Sample without entering results in the Sample List page by adding a new button as Sample Invalidate
- This will be applicable to sample which doesn't have result entered
- User with specific permission should be able to see Sample Invalidate button to invalidate .This will not be dependent on any functionality and would appear for all roles ,default being unchecked
- System would immediately send notification to configured email ids once a sample is invalidate
- A invalidated sample will not be available while selecting sample for COC
- In this version status of the Sample Invalidated are Result invalidated ,upcoming version it would be a new status as Sample Invalidated
- Existing Data : No Change
- Impacts :Sample Grid
- Reports :No
- Notification : Sample Invalidated
Sample Grid
Sample Invalidated will be applicable to samples without results
PMP-48953 Customer Specific Employee Notification Letter in English and Spanish
Configurable Setting: Applicable / Not Applicable (specific to protection factor -above user story)
Default : Current Employee Notification Letter .Customer Specific
Enhanced Employee Notification Letter : Both in English and Spanish Format
PMP-47163 Exposure time calculation through bulk sample import templates
Configurable Setting: Applicable /Not Applicable
Default :Not Applicable ,Customer Specific
Existing System:
System is not considering the exposure time calculation for the result screen when a sample uploaded through import template chemical / Noise
Purpose :
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- System would calculate the exposure time in sample results when chemical and noise sample are uploaded through import template
- Existing Data :No change to existing data
- Impact :Sample Details
PMP-48565 SEG Added in IH Query report
Configurable Setting: No configuration .Product wide change
Existing System:
- SEG not a part of IH Query Report
Purpose : Gap
Enhanced System:
- SEG would appear in IH Query report Filter and View report
- Existing Data :Would appear for all historical records
- Impact :No
IH Query Report - Filter
IH Query Report - View Report
PMP-41517 New values added to Task Classification drop down
Configurable Setting:None
Default : Routine,Non Routine ,Turnaround .Customer Specific -New values Added other than default values
Existing System:
- Task Classification drop down shows has three values -routine,non routine ,turn around only
Purpose : Customer would require additional task classification values in drop down
Enhanced System:
- New values added to task classification drop down in QRA ,Sample Plan Record and Sample Details page
- The new values are configured in database as below .Upcoming version these values can be configured in the application interface
- New values :
- Routine
- Non routine
- Abnormal
- Construction
- Equipment Malfunction
- Emergency/Upset
- Idle or Standby
- Normal
- Planned Special Exposure(Rad)
- Shut-down (planned)
- Start-up
- Typical
- Turnaround/Inspection
- Unknown
- Unusual weather
- Worst Case
- Existing Data :Would appear for all historical records
- Impact :
- Impacts :IH Query ,IH Summary ,QRA Report
- Import - Sample Plan Record
- Sample Import - Noise
- Sample Import - Chemical
- Export to Plan - New Sample Plan
- Export to Plan - Existing Sample Plan
- Default application screen - Routine for add new screens ,but will get overwritten during QRA Export ,Planned sample ,etc
Task Classification Drop Down
QRA,Sample Plan Record,Sample Details
IH Query Report