20.3 Performance Management Release Notes
20.3 Performance Management Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- No Items
PMP-48673 Enhance Formula Builder UI using react to avoid formula saving issues
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User cannot change formula using keyboard. Formula is not saved and leading to incorrect calculations result in support tickets
- To edit existing formula entire formula has to be cleaned and need to configure from scratch
- As it is in the KPI details page there is less space to view full KPI name and entire formula
- Enhance formula builder to make it more user friendly and consistent
Enhanced System:
- Existing field "Build Formula" is replaced with field Formula which is display saved formula
- Users need to click on "Build Formula" button displayed next to Formula field to create/edit Formula
- Build Formula is a new screen now which will open as a full screen popup
- In the new formula builders users can make edits to only required part of the formula instead of having to clear entire formula and rebuild it
Impacts: No Impacts
Existing Formula Builder
Enhanced Formula Builder
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