Report Versions

Report Versions

If you run IBM Cognos Analytics reports, you see the latest data from the data source. But often you view report versions and outputs, such as when a report you subscribe to is delivered. Report outputs are generated by subscriptions, schedules, multiple formats or languages, bursting, and delivery methods that include save, print, and email.

In many instances, you are notified and receive a link to view report output, but you can also view saved and archived versions for reports in your content lists.

To View Report Versions and Archived Versions

For a report in a content list, tap    and then tap    View versions.

Save a report version

In the application bar, when you view a report, tap either   , or   . The location of the save option depends on the type of report you view.

You also have the Save as option of saving the report version under a different name or in a different location.

Delete Saved Outputs for Report Versions

For a report in a content list, tap  . Tap    View versions, tap an entry in the list, and then tap the delete icon. Deleting removes all saved output formats for the version.

Link Behavior when you Copy, Move, or Rename

Reports are typically associated with packages in IBM Cognos Analytics and can have other links as well. When you copy and move reports or other items, the IDs and links are either maintained or overwritten.

If you copy or move a report from one folder to another, the report retains its ID and any links, including the link to the associated package.

However, when you overwrite an existing report, the link behavior depends on whether you copy or move an entry.

  • If you copy and overwrite an existing report, the copied report ID and links replace those of the existing report. In this case, you might need to update links, such as links to job schedules.
  • If you move and overwrite an existing report, the existing report ID and links are maintained. In this case, references to the moved entry are broken.

If you rename an entry, the ID is retained and references to the entry from other entries are not broken. For example, a package has reports, agents, and drill-through definitions associated with it. When you rename the package, the references in the associated reports, agents, and drill-through definitions are not broken.

If you create a shortcut to a content object, the shortcut does not work if the original content object is renamed or moved.

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