JSON Structures For Level/Org Details

JSON Structures For Level/Org Details


Possible Parameters are :

  1. Root Level Name[Optional]

  2. LevelID[Optional]

  3. Location Name/Code[Optional]

  4. Country[Optional]


  1. Location Details with Hierarchical Org Structure in Breadcrumb/Flat Format :

If the user passes a Level Name as parameter then all locations under that level are displayed. If the user does not pass any Level Name as parameter, then all the locations of the system are displayed.


{ "Level: : "By Geography/By Country", "LocationId": "1234", "LocationCode": "Test", "LocationName": "Test", "Address": "Test", "City": "Test", "State": "Test", "Country": "Test", "Zip": "765432" }

2. Location Details with Hierarchical Org Structure : [@RootLevel Name - Mandatory && @LocationName or code mandatory] . This would be more useful to view the complete hierarchy of a location if mapped under different categories.


{ "Levels": [ [ "By Division", "Sub Level 1", "Sub Level 2" ], [ "By Geography", "Sub Level 11" ], [ "By Distribution", "Sub Level 21", "Sub Level 22", "Sub Level 23", "Sub Level 24" ] ], "Details": { "LocationId" :"1234", "LocationCode": "Test", "LocationName": "Test", "Address": "Test", "City": "Test", "State": "Test", "Country": "Test", "Zip": "765432" } }


3. Org Details [@RootName - mandatory] - Only Level information shown with ID. No location information. For mapping to location we need to call location API with the LevelName & LevelID

{ "LevelDetails": [ { "LevelName": "By Divison", "Id": "1001", "ParentId": "1001", "ParentLevel": "By Division" }, { "LevelName": "Sales", "Id": "1002", "ParentId": "1001", "ParentLevel": "By Division" }, { "LevelName": "Canada", "Id": "1003", "ParentId": "1002", "ParentLevel": "Sales" }, { "LevelName": "India", "Id": "1004", "ParentId": "1002", "ParentLevel": "Sales" }, { "LevelName": "US", "Id": "1005", "ParentId": "1002", "ParentLevel": "Sales" }, { "LevelName": "CustomerSuccess", "Id": "1006", "ParentId": "1001", "ParentLevel": "ByDivision" } ] }


4. Org Structure with both Locations and Levels :

This would show the linkage between immediate levels/locations.[@RootNodeId to be passed as the mandatory parameter.]

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