STARS Business License Process
License/Permit Upload Process to STARS:
Log in
Verify location in the top right-hand corner of the screen
Initial log in location may vary
Location = garage in which the municipality is serviced
Each license/permit will be under the designated garage
You can view documents from the main level (main level examples: Test & Training, By Region, By State, Lakeshore Recycling Systems) but not add anything unless you are under a correct location (see below screen grabs for reference)
Click the location drop-down in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to bring up choices of other LRS locations and select the one that pertains to the permit you are uploading
Some toggling may be needed
Once under the correct location (garage that services the municipality for the permit we are uploading/updating), it should show in the top right hand corner. You can switch between locations there.
Select licenses and permits under “Modules” once under the correct location (see images).
If a license already exists within the system (likely this is the case), locate the preexisting file within the Licenses & Permits module and update all information accordingly (i.e., issued date, application submitted date, effective date, expiration date, renewal deadline, etc.) and upload the new license under the documents tab (see below for further information on document uploads – some components in step 8 are applicable).
If new, click new in the top right hand corner
Fill out the prompted required fields:
Permit ID: License number – Muni – Year (example: 4762 – Wheaton – 2023)
Permit Title: (Year) (Muni) (State) (Scavenger License) (example: 2023-2024 Wheaton IL Scavenger License)
Permit Category: Business License (main category)
Permit Type: Scavenger License
Issued By: Who the permit is from
Issued To: Who the permit is issued to
Example: LRS – DBA Roy Strom
Example: LRS – DBA DC Recycling
Example: LRS – DBA K. Hoving
Issued Date: When the permit was issued to us
(This information is typically displayed on the permit)
Wheaton was issued and approved on June 7th and effective for July 1st
Application Submitted Date: Date we last submitted to receive this permit
Date is in files to be shared
Effective Date: Starting date that the permit is valid through
Can be located on license; if not refer to files
These are ANNUAL renewals
Expiration Date: Final date that the permit is valid through
Renewal Deadline: Date the next application is due
Locate by looking at previous applications
Permit Fee: Price associated with permit renewal
Status: Active
Purpose & Memo: leave blank
Click “Save” on the bottom right hand corner of the screen
Scroll back up to the top of this page and select “Notification”
For this portion, we ask that you include all necessary stakeholders who will need notification of license/permit expiration (for example ALL Business & Scavenger Licenses must include as one of the emails addresses to be notified of the expiration)
Click “New” and upload all notification details (including first reminder date, notify pattern, notify users to assign)
Once you have finished filling out the required notification information, click “Save” on the bottom right hand corner of the page
Scroll back up to the top of this page and select “Documents”
For this, we ask that you upload all necessary associated documents with the license/permit. This could include last year's application, last year's check, a scanned copy of the license/permit and all other information necessary to apply for the permit renewal
Click “New”
Select “Upload New Document” and select “Next”
Choose your file and attach
Click attach to file
You will receive a notification that shows the document was successfully uploaded, and then the system will ask for further details
Fill out accordingly and click “Save”
Documents will show up in “Documents” section under the permit
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