24.4 Activity Management Notes
24.4 Activity Management Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PPMP-101072 - As a Corporate/regional/location EHS/System Admin/Supervisor, I want to be able to break action items into child action items and assign ownership by role for better accountability
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- There is no option to break an action item into multiple child action items.
- Provide option to create child action items of an action item.
- Focused accountability by breaking the action into smallest unit and specific ownership
Enhanced System:
- New section in the action item details screen to manage child action items
- Provide option to create child action items once the parent child action item is saved
- On-click of the new button in the child action section, navigate to child action item details screen
- Populate the parent action item's fields information to child action item except title, description and attachment
- Child action item's prepopulated information can be changed as required
- Display parent action item id in the child action item detail section
- Display source information section in the child action item and option to navigate to source details
- Child Action Item ID format to differentiate parent and child action item
- No option to "Track action item for each assigned owner individually" in the child action item details
- Child action item due date can't be more than the parent action item due date
- Parent action item can be closed once all the child action items are closed
- Child action items can't be edited or deleted once the parent action item is closed
- Icon to identify parent and child action item in a list or detail screen
Impacts: No Impact
Option to create child action item
Child action item list
Action Item List with Parent and Child Action Items
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