24.4 Incident Management Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- No Items
PMP-101119 As a System Admin I want the ability to lock an incident to preserve the incident details and investigation data
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Enable Incident Locking
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
Does not have the functionality to lock the incidents based on Incident Status and information can be modified at any point in the workflow.
This inability to restrict users from modifying incident information, especially at later stages of the workflow leads to data integrity issues.
- Restrict users to modify incident information based on incident status to maintain data integrity
Enhanced System:
Has a configuration to enable/disable incident locking
- the configuration is applicable for all incident types
- This configuration will be effective if “Display Incident Status” configuration values is Yes
- When enabled,
- System will lock Incident Detail, Investigation section and Management Review when Incident status is set to Closed by a user.
- A confirmation message will be displayed when user changes the status to Closed.
There is option to edit locked sections of an incidents or delete locked incident based on a new permission "Edit Locked Incident".
Lock symbol will be displayed in Incident Summary screen for respective sections and in the list screen next to Closed status.
Reopen option will not be available.
- System will lock Incident Detail, Investigation section and Management Review when Incident status is set to Closed by a user.
- There is new notification event available for Incident Status change
- This will be available only if “Display Incident Status” configuration values is Yes
- The notification would trigger to configured recipients every time the Incident status is changed irrespective of locking configuration
Subject: <System Name> - <Event Name> Changed to <Incident Status Value> for <Incident ID> | <Incident Type> - <Incident Sub Type>
- Existing incidents where status is already Closed, will not be locked, even if user navigates to summary screen
- If such incident should be locked, status should be changed once again.
- A bulk locking can also be done on demand.
Note: Incident locking is currently not available in Mobile in this version yet.
Impacts: Insight
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