Making Changes to an Enabled Task

Making Changes to an Enabled Task

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Click on Module icon.
  2. Click on Task Management menu item.
  3. Click on Manage Tasks menu item.

  4. Click on the Action Item Name.

  5. Make necessary changes and click on Save button.

Create Details

Task Id

Automatically generated by Task Management Module

Action Item Name

Name of the Action Item
Action Item CategoryCategory of the Action Item which we pick from the pick list
Action Item DriversAction Item Drivers which we pick from the pick list
Reference/CitationReference/Citation of the Task
Action Item DescriptionDescription of the Action Item
Action Item PriorityPriority of the of the Action Item which we have to select from the Drop-down as Low, Medium & High

It has a Drop down Value as Yes or No

  • If we select Yes then Some more fields are added in screen such as First Due date, Repeat Until Recurrence Pattern
  • If we select No then instead of above mention fields only Action Item Due Date field is available.   
All Day/Any Time

It has a Check box.

  • If we check the check box then it doesn't required to enter the details in Event Time field.  
  • If we didn't check the check box then we have to enter the details in Event Time field
Event TimeIf we do not check the check box of All Day/AnyTime field then we have to enter Time of the Event 
Action item Due date 
  • This field is available when we select Recurrence as No.
  • Enter the due date of the Action item. 
First Due Date
  • This field is available when we select Recurrence as Yes.
  • Enter the First Due date (Action Item Start date). 
Repeat Until
  • This field is available when we select Recurrence as Yes.
  • Enter the Repeat Until (Action Item last date).
Recurrence PatternEnter the recurrence pattern 
Assigned BySelect the Assigned by person from the pick list
Assigned ToSelect the Assigned to person from the pick list
Primary Ownersselect the Primary Owners of the Action items from the pick list
Track action item for each assigned owner individuallyIt has a Drop down Value as Yes or No
Apply Changes From Date

Any changes to the action item will be applied only when the changes are done in between Apply Changes From Date to Apply Changes To Date.

Any changes to the action item will be applied only when the changes are done in between Apply Changes From date to Apply Changes To Date

Apply Changes To Date
Notify Owners Immediately

When Notify Owners Immediately is checked then any updates on the action item will be triggered to owners immediately as an Notification.

Verification RequiredAction item verification should be required when this field is checked.


Complete Details

Estimated Budget

Enter the Estimated budget value

Approval Status

It has 2 options 

  1. Draft : Action Item will not be available at any location in Calendar when the approval status is Draft
  2. Enabled : Action Item will be pushed to calendar once the Action Item approval status has been saved as Enabled.


Business Rules

  1. Recurrence pattern: If we want an Action Item to be created on Every Friday

    1. The Recurrence field should be Yes.
    2. Click on Weekly Radio button.
    3. Enter 4 Week of Friday.

  2. Apply Changes From Date and Apply Changes To Date: In order to change the due date for existing tasks users should open the Task in task management and use the Apply Changes From Date.

    The Apply Changes From Date should be match with the pattern of First Due Date.

    However, any changes made with the Apply Changes From Date would not affect the older closed Action Items.

    The Apply Changes To Date does not necessarily have to be aligned with the First Due date or Repeat Until field, system makes sure that all the recurrences which are due before the Apply Changes To Date are updated

    All the Task’s Action Items which have due date

  3. When the task status is “Approved”, and Assign Locations is “Automatic”, the task will be added in the locations common to the

    1. Calendar category assigned locations
    2. Task driver assigned locations

  4. When the task status is “Approved”, and the Assign Locations is “Manual”, the task will be added in the locations common to the

    1. Calendar category assigned locations
    2. Task driver assigned locations and
    3. Manual selected locations

  5. When “Distribute to locations” is selected as “Yes” and task status is “Approved”, the tasks are added in the task Management for the corresponding locations with “Draft” status. Else, the tasks have to be manually added to the Task Management from “Add from Library” tab in the Task Management.

  6. When “Location Override” is selected as “NO” and the task status is “Approved”, the tasks are added to the corresponding locations directly      

    1. “Task Management” with “Enabled” status and
    2. “Calendar” for the dates depending upon the Repeat task, Due date, Range of Recurrence and Recurrence pattern.

  7. When Immediate Notification is selected as “YES” the system will send the Notification mails based on the selection of Primary Owners and Second Owners and these users must have scope of locations which are common to the

    1. Calendar category assigned locations
    2. Task driver assigned locations and
    3. Manual selected locations.

  8. When Immediate Notification is selected as “NO” the system will not send any Notification mails for Task Creation.

Once the "Approval Status" was "Enable" it can't be changed.

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