Performing an EJMS Force / Frequency Analysis

Performing an EJMS Force / Frequency Analysis

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Ergonomics menu item.
  3. Click  on the Manage Assessment menu item.

  4. Click on the Assessment ID hyperlink.

  5. In Analysis section, click on the Add button.

  6. Select the radio button at EJMS Force/Frequency
  7. Click on the Select button.


  8. Complete all the fields
  9. Click on the Save button.

The EJMS – Force / Frequency analysis contains Details; Neck & Shoulders; Trunk Twist & Bend; Arm  & Elbow Motion; Wrist Bend; Finger & Hand Motion; Legs; Knees & Ankles; Static Posture and Eye Strain sections.

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