This document illustrates the steps to reactivate a location after is has been inactivated.
Step-by-step Instructions:
Step 1: Activate the Location
Click on theSetupIcon.
Click on theEnterprise SetupMenu Item.
Click on theLocation SetupMenu Item.
Click on the Location Name to select the location from the locations list.
Navigate to the Location Status field, Select Active from the Location Status drop-down list.
Click Save.
Be sure to include "Inactive" as a Location Status, as highlighted in the screenshot below. The Location List, Default View, defaults to display only "Active" locations.
Step 2: Assign Scope to Location
Step-by-step guide
Click on the "Setup" Icon.
Click on the "Security" Menu Item.
Click on the "Users" Menu Item.
Select the User from the list.
Click on the "Scope" Tab.
Click on the "Edit" Button.
Select the desired location and click on the "Save" Button.