Location Setup Overview
System administrators can create/edit location records, map the locations to the enterprise structure for each by the group and assign users to locations
Step-by-step guide
1. Click on the "Setup" Icon.
2. Click on the "Enterprise Setup" Menu Item.
3. Click on the "Location Setup" Menu Item.
When adding a new location, there are a few things that need to be considered:
Location Information: This is what is needed to complete the mandatory fields below.
- Location Code
- Location Name
- Country
- Location Status
- Active Date
- Workers Comp Form (Depending on Country/State)
Location Mapping: Where in the current organization structure does the location belong to?
Creating a Location/Mapping a Location
Assigning a location to the enterprise map
Who has access to the location? Which users will need to view or report data for the location?
Will this location belong to any of the Corporate Programs?
- Incident Reporting: Work-shift, Departments, Hours.
- Corporate Audit Programs: What audits will this location conduct?
- Sustainability / Performance management: What metrics will they need to report data for?
- Activity Management: What task should be assigned to the location and calendar categories?
What to consider once a location becomes inactive.
- It is not possible to report on any data associated with a location that has been set to "inactive" status.
Deleting a location will result in the deletion of all data associated with that location.
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