Setting Permissions Differently for Different Locations.

Setting Permissions Differently for Different Locations.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the "Setup" Icon.
  2. Click on the "Security" Menu Item.
  3. Click on the "Users" Menu Item.


4. Select the user from the list.

5. Click on the "Application Permission" Tab.
  a) Select the location for which the permissions need to be assigned.
  b) Select the Role for the required Module. 

6. Click on the "Save" Button.

7. After clicking on "Save Button" a pop-up window will be shown as "Click OK to apply permissions to all child nodes also. Click CANCEL to apply permissions only to the selected node."

20.3 Update

In 20.3 we have provided the option to select Insight permission for Template user.

1.Provide option to select module insight permission for a template user

2.Only consumer insight permission will be available for template user

3.The selected insight permission will be automatically provided to a user creating based on a template user.

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