22.3 Occupational Health Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
· PMP-87390 Sync Occ. health restrictions data to IMS case management
PMP-87390 - Sync Occ. health restrictions data to IMS case management
Configurable: Yes
Title: Enable Employee Work Restriction
Public/Private: Private
Default: No
Existing System: Currently, we don't have the integration between Occ. health and IMS case management.
Purpose: To be able to create a case based on the restrictions data synced from Occ. health.
Enhanced System:
Once user associates an Incident Id to a restriction created in the Occupational health module, this record would be considered for sync.
Additionally, there is a provision for employee’s supervisor to provide his consent for the work restriction created.
Only once the restriction is approved, it will be synced to IMS module and a case is created.
There are validations implemented to ensure that there is no duplicate case created in the same data range for that incident.
‘Employee’s Work Restrictions’ screen where a supervisor can provide his approval, is driven by permissions. (Show List Screen)
Also, Admin users would be able to provide permissions on whether a supervisor can see only ‘My Reportees' or 'All Employees’.
Additionally, this screen has 2 list views:
Unprocessed Records View: Where all unprocessed records (any newly created restriction record) that are ready for review will show up.
Secondly, Last 2 Months View: Where all restriction records created in the last 2 months will show up.
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