Accessing Calibration Equipment (Location Setup)

Accessing Calibration Equipment (Location Setup)

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the Setup icon.
  2. Click on the Location Setup menu item.
  3. Click on the Module Setup menu item. 

  4. Click on the Calibration Equipment hyperlink under industrial Hygiene.

  5. The list of Calibration Equipment will appeared in the detailed Screen.

Attachments in Calibration Equipment Screen

Users can attach a document or file in the Calibration Equipment screen by clicking on Attachments tab. 

How to Add Attachments

On clicking Add , Browse and Upload Document screen will appear. Choose the file from respective location - either desktop or local drive and click on Click to Attach file.

After uploading the Document,  it would show success message with following fields 

For Each time the document is edited ,History of the Document would appear as below 

After Saving,  the Calibration Equipment would display the added record  with edit and delete option

Edit Document Details screen would Provide option  to overwrite the doc or Edit the doc details.  

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