Hiding and showing hidden entries
To prevent unnecessary use of IBM Cognos Analytics items such as reports, packages, folders, jobs, data servers, you have the option of hiding them. This applies especially to drill-through reports that can waste system resources when they are run unnecessarily. You can hide drill-through reports, but they remain.
enabled as drill-through targets. You can set your preference to show or not show hidden entries in content lists.
To hide an entry, open its menu and tap Properties. On the General tab, open the Advanced section and select the Hide this entry check box.
To show hidden entries in your content lists, tap your user name, then My preferences. On the General tab, select the Show hidden entries check box.
Regardless of the preference that you set, hidden entries are visible, but faded in the following parts of the user interface:
- Search results.
- Properties panel, Permissions
- Personal
- Job steps that refer to hidden entries already in a job.
- Agent tasks that refer to hidden entries already in an agent.
- Details in a report run history.
The following rules apply to hidden entries:
- A hidden report is accessible as a drill-through target. Drill-through targets include parameter values to avoid resource-intensive query operations. However, users still require appropriate permissions to use this target report in a drill-through activity.
A hidden drill-through definition is not displayed in the Go To page if the user interface does not show hidden entries.
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