Create a version of existing Assessment

Create a version of existing Assessment

  1. Click on the Modules menu item.

  2. Click on the Risk Assessment menu item.

  3. Click on the Manage menu item.


  • Users with Create Version will see create version button in Assessment List screen

  • New version can be created for an existing active and approved assessment of the same location

  • Below will happen for the new version assessment

    • Assessment Title will be prefixed with "New Version of + Assessment Title of copied record"

    • Assessment Version field will automatically update to the next proceeding whole number

    • "Initial Assessment ID" field will be always populated with Assessment ID of version 1 of the assessment

      1. This will happen for any subsequent versions created for the assessment

  • When proceeding version of an assessment reaches final approval status, the status for previous version of assessment (from which the new version was created) will be automatically set as Inactive



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