25.1 Activity Management Notes
25.1 Activity Management Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- PMP-102955: As a supervisor/ auditor/ owner, I want the option to view the action item change history
- PMP-103033: As an end user, I want to see custom notes in the widget
PMP-102955: As a supervisor/ auditor/ owner, I want the option to view the action item change history
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- There is no option to track action item field change history
- To track the key action item field change history
- This would help the auditor or supervisor to do an audit on the key information changes
Enhanced System:
- Enabled the view history option in the action item details screen
- History button will display to the login users with the below criteria
- Users having view action item permission
- User created the action item
- User selected as Assigned By User in the action item
- Action Item Field
- Action Item Title
- Action Item Description
- Action Item Due Date
- Action Owner
- Action Item Status
- Action Taken
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-103033: As an end user, I want to see custom notes in the widget
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- There is no help text for action item data points
- To display the filter details
Enhanced System:
- Added the action item data point filter message
Impacts: No Impact
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